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Extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization 3. TC Supports 4. Technical Map Project 5. TC Reports 6. Reduced TC Chairs' Duties 7. Announcements from SMCS 8. Q&A and Free Discussion VP-TA Hideyuki TAKAGI VP-MSA MuDer JENG

2 Thank You for your Contributions to SMCS! Thank you for great contributions of creating new TC's and Chapters, organizing conferences / workshops and organized sessions, recruiting new members, and others. Thank you for your patients of making activities reports and TC Introduction web pages, sending your photos for TC posters, and others.

3 Introduction of Members: -- TCs in Cybernetics Computational Intelligence Xizhao Wang Computational Life Science Michael R. Berthold, Hong Yan, and Daniel Yeung Intelligent Internet SystemsJohn W. T. Lee, Xiaolong Wang, Daming Shi Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems Stuart H. Rubin, Michael H. Smith, and Shu-Ching Chen Machine Learning YuanYan Tang Media ComputingZhi-Qiang Liu and Daniel Yeung Medical Informatics Cathy M. Helgason and Thomas H. Jobe Soft Computing Tadahiko Murata and Michael Hanss

4 Introduction of Members: -- TCs in Human-Machine Systems Human-Computer InteractionGeb Thomas and Ellen Bass Information Systems for Design and MarketingYukio Ohsawa and Katsutoshi Yada Systems Safety and SecurityAli G. Hessami, F. Hsu and Ming Yu

5 Introduction of Members: -- TCs in Systems Conflict ResolutionLiPing Fang and Keith W. Hipel Control of Uncertain Systems Abdelkader El Kamel Discrete Event Systems Maria Pia Fanti and MuDer Jeng Distributed Intelligent SystemsWilliam A. Gruver, Dilip B. Kotak, and Haibin Zhu Homeland SecurityHsinchun Chen, Don Brown and Daniel Zeng Industrial ApplicationsSeppo J. Ovaska Infrastructure Systems and ServicesMargot Weijnen Intelligent Transportation Systems Tsu-Tian Lee Medical MechatronicsMing-Yih Lee and Chung-Hsien Kuo Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Hong Zhang Self-Organization and Cybernetics for Informatics Huaglory Tianfield Service Systems and OrganizationJian Chen System of SystemsPhilip Chen and Mark Johnson

6 Introduction of Members: -- Chapters Central Texas(Philip Chen) ChileGaston H. Lefranc Kitchener Waterloo Mohamed Kamel MilwaukeeHue V. Tran MontrealEric Germain North JerseyMichael I. Liechenstein OrlandoYi Guo PhiladelphiaMoshe Kam VancouverDorian Sabaz BulgariaMincho B. Hadjiski Central & South Italy (Maria Pia Fanti) CroatiaGoran Martinovic France(Abdelkader El Kamel) GermanyMark Mattingley- Scott HungaryImre J. Rudas UK and Republic of Ireland (Ali G. Hessami) Baoding(Xizhao Wang) Beijing(Jian Chen) HiroshimaHossam A. Gabbar Hong Kong(Daniel S. Yeung) JapanTakao Terano ShenzhenXiaolong Wang SingaporeAbdullah Al Mamun TaipeiWEN-JUNE WANG

7 extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization 3. TC Supports 4. Technical Map Project 5. TC Reports 6. Reduced TC Chairs' Duties 7. Announcements from SMCS 8. Q&A and Free Discussion

8 SMCS Borad of Governors President-Elect President Jr. Past President Sr.Past President VP-Long Range Plan. & Finance VP-Conf. and Meetings VP-Memb. and Student Act. VP-Pub.VP-TA SecretaryTreasurer 5 Members-at-Large (term ending 2006) 5 Members-at-Large (term ending 2007) 5 Members-at-Large (term ending 2008) Offiers Editors

9 SMCS Standing Committees VP-Long Range Plan. & Finance VP-Conf. and Meetings VP-Memb. and Student Act. VP-Pub. VP-TA Technical Activities Committee Conference and Meeting Committee Long-Range Planning and Finance Committee Publication Committee Membership and Student Activities Committee Editor-In-Chiefs VP-Publication

10 What is the extended TAC? VP-TA 3 EICs VP-Publication TC..... TCChpt.... Chpt 25 Technical Committees24 Chapters VP-Members & Student Activities TAC MSAC

11 SMCS's Technical Activities TC's Chapters Conferences Workshops Publications local activities to expand SMCS members increasing SMCS's technical qualities and activities through activities per field

12 extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization 3. TC Supports 4. Technical Map Project 5. TC Reports 6. Reduced TC Chairs' Duties 7. Announcements from SMCS 8. Q&A and Free Discussion

13 Objectives and Actions Objective 1:Changing TC characteristics to SIGs How to Achieve?:By supporting TC activities Objective 2:Strategic planning of technical activities How to Achieve?:Technical Map Project

14 Supports for TC Activities 1TC Plaza (done) 2TC Introduction Web Pages (done) 3IT Tools for Supporting TC activities (on going) 4TC Promotion Event at SMC2006 (done) 5SMCS Best TC Award (done) 6Campaign of "What can TC do for its members?" (not yet) Supporting TC activities makes passive TC's active, makes TC's attractive for their members, and therefore changes them provide academic privilege to their members. This is the start to be SIG's.

15 TC-Support: 1 TC Introduction Web Pages TC-Support: 1 TC Introduction Web Pages They started in early February, 2006. Thanks to TC Web Editor, Hong Yan, and Web Master, Cash Wang.

16 TC-Support: 2. IT Tool Project TC-Support: 2. IT Tool Project IT tools help to increase the activities of TC's whose members are in far countries. We categorized necessary functions for TC activities and are surveying them. (1) Document Sharing Tool such as Google spreadsheet (2) Forum Tools BBS, Wiki and blog Hong Yan's ( (3) Video Conferencing Tool commercial ones? open sources? self-development? (4) Conference Management Tool open sources: such as ConfTool or ConfMan (5) Mailing List Running MLs: smc-excom, smc-bog Planned MLs: TC Chair ML and Chapter Chair ML Possible MLs: each TC ML

17 TC-Support: 3 TC Promotion Event at SMC2006 TC-Support: 3 TC Promotion Event at SMC2006 TC Web Editor, VP-Membership & Student Activities, and VP-TA,

18 TC-Support: 4. TC Award TC-Support: 4. TC Award SMCS Best TC Award (2006~ ) : Announced this night SMCS Chapter of the Year Award (2007~): US$1000

19 extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization 3. TC Supports 4. Technical Map Project 5. TC Reports 6. Reduced TC Chairs' Duties 7. Announcements from SMCS 8. Q&A and Free Discussion

20 for Objective 2: Technical Map Project VP-TA, VP-Publications, and Yukio Ohsawa 1.Background: Scope of SMCS is so wide that nobody knows our technical trends, emerging topics, and missing coverage of TC's, conferences, and publications well. 2.Objectives: Let's analyze papers in our fields, make a Technical Map, and use it for our strategic decision making, such as planning new TCs, new conferences/workshops, special issues, tutorials, panels, and others 3.Progress: We collected paper titles of SMC1998 - SMC2005 and paper titles & abstracts of Trans. on SMC- A, B, and C in 1996-2006. We are now analyzing them.

21 for Objective 2: Technical Map Project Tentative Analysis: KeyGraph from paper titles of SMC1998-SMC2001from paper titles of SMC2002-SMC2005

22 extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization 3. TC Supports 4. Technical Map Project 5. TC Reports 6. Reduced TC Chairs' Duties 7. Announcements from SMCS 8. Q&A and Free Discussion

23 TC Reports Newly Established and Terminated TC's since 2005 BoG (established) 12/12/2005: TC on System of Systems 01/28/2006: TC on Medical Mechatronics 02/16/2006: TC on Infrastructure Systems & Services 03/01/2006: TC on Information Systems for Design and Marketing 03/12/2006: TC on Self-Organization and Cybernetics for Informatics 08/16/2006: TC on Information Assurance & Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications (terminated) 07/22/2005: TC on Intelligent Communications We have 25 TC's: 9 TC's in Cybernetics 3 TC's i n Human-Machine Systems, 13 TC's in Systems

24 TC Reports TC Activities in 2006 TC Reports TC Activities in 2006 Organizing Special Sessions at SMC2006 TC contributed for SMC2006 very well. SMC2006: 18 of 25 TC's collected 190 among 411 SS papers (46.2%) SMC2005: 8 of 19 TC's collected about 95 SS papers. The best TCs contributed for SMC2006 are: 1. TC on Soft Computing (32 papers) 2. TC on Discrete Event Systems (29 papers) 3. TC on Infrastructure Systems & Services (16 papers) 4. TC on Information Systems for Design and Marketing (13 papers)

25 TC Reports TC Activities in 2006 TC Reports TC Activities in 2006 Full sponsorship TC on Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems:IRI2006 TC on Discrete event systems:ICNSC2006 TC on Industrial applications:SMCals/06 TC on System of Systems:SoSE2006 TC on Intelligent transportation systems:SMC2006 Co-sponsorship TC on Distributed Intelligent Systems:DIS2006 TC on Service systems and Organizations:SIRI2006 Technical sponsorship TC on Computational Intelligence:ICMLC2006 TC on Intelligent Internet Systems:ICMLC2006 TC on Media Computing:ICMLC2006 TC on Self-Organization and Cybernetics for Informatics:SOAS2006 TC on Service systems and Organizations:SSSM2006 Organizing 2006 Conf./Workshops sponsored by SMCS

26 Reduced TC Chairs' Duties! TC Chairs Duties decided at 2005 BoG meeting 1All TC Chairs will be invited to serve as Program Committee members of the annual SMC Conference. 2All TC Chairs, Co-Chairs or Vice-Chairs must be IEEE members of SMCS. 3Each TC must organize at least one invited session at one of the SMC sponsored conferences. 4 To provide an incentive for SMC chapters to collaborate with the TCs in order to strengthen the role of TCs as SMCS’ technical leaders and to attract the establishment of more grass root organizations that can help boost the SMCS membership drive. 5 As a long term goal, each TC must plan to organize, within a period of 5 years, at least one special issue in a journal (preferably in one of the SMC publications), one workshop or local conference (preferably in collaboration with at least one SMC chapter), and/or one collaborative project with the industry.

27 Reduced TC Chairs' Duties! TC Chairs Duties modified at 2006 BoG meeting 1 All TC Chairs will be invited to serve as Program Committee members of the annual SMC Conference. 2 All TC Chairs, Co-Chairs or Vice-Chairs must be IEEE members of SMCS. 3 Each TC must contribute to SMCS by at least one of (1) organizing SMCS sponsored conferences/workshops, (2) organizing at least one special session at any SMCS sponsored conferences, or (3) serving with other significant contributions. 4 To provide an incentive for SMC chapters to collaborate with the TCs in order to strengthen the role of TCs as SMCS’ technical leaders and to attract the establishment of more grass root organizations that can help boost the SMCS membership drive. 5 As a long term goal, each TC should plan to organize, within a period of 5 years, at least one special issue in a journal (preferably in one of the SMC publications), one workshop or local conference (preferably in collaboration with at least one SMC chapter), and/or one collaborative project with the industry.

28 extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization 3. TC Supports 4. Technical Map Project 5. TC Reports 6. Reduced TC Chairs' Duties 7. Announcements from SMCS 8. Q&A and Free Discussion

29 Announcements from SMCS 1.Three VPs for three technical fields will start from 2008. 2.When TC's plan Special Issues at IEEE Trans. on SMC-A, B, and C, please contact with EIC's first. Due to backlog, there may be no space for Special Issues in 2006-2008. 3.We would like to encourage cooperative activities of TC and Chapter. 4.Human-Machine Systems field is the feature of SMCS among IEEE societies. We are going to increase the # of TC's especially in this field. Help your cooperation.

30 Organizing Chapters Events Chapter Chairs are encouraged to keep active by organizing special events such as conferences, meetings, lectures program. SMCS provides $500 to create new Chapters. Distinguished Lecturer Program: SMCS supports the travel cost of DL in part for Chapter activities. (See detail at SMCS web page.)

31 extended Technical Activities Committee Meeting with TAC members, TC Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Taipei, Oct. 10, 2006 1. Introduction of Members 2. Organization 3. TC Supports 4. Technical Map Project 5. TC Reports 6. Reduced TC Chairs' Duties 7. Announcements from SMCS 8. Q&A and Free Discussion

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