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A quick update on what we’ve been up to over the past couple of months. As the weather started to cool, we decided to take the brave step of going camping.

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Presentation on theme: "A quick update on what we’ve been up to over the past couple of months. As the weather started to cool, we decided to take the brave step of going camping."— Presentation transcript:

1 A quick update on what we’ve been up to over the past couple of months. As the weather started to cool, we decided to take the brave step of going camping with the little ones – a very different experience to our carefree, pre-child days!! We decided to bring reinforcements so our friends came along (4 kids under 5 YAY!!). Apart from the masses of additional stuff necessary to survive, all sorts of other things become a consideration – most important the proximity of ablutions for the many toilet runs!

2 Seal Rocks is a beautiful spot, stunning beach with good waves. Could not get Jessica out of the water. Although he spent much time sitting under the sunshade munching rice crackers, we even managed to get Daniel walking on the sand. Ems, Fran - note the Cat truck – travels with us wherever we go.

3 The most frequently uttered words for the weekend included : please share, play nicely, get down Daniel, say sorry to your friend/brother/sister, don’t empty all the woodchips out of the tree’s box, pick up, where are your manners, get down Daniel, you really have to go to the toilet again?. Daniel was on a mission to bravely scale anything and everything possible – he mastered the climbing but the dismounts, not so much…a few nasty falls!

4 Back home it was back to the usual activities like more climbing, emptying the sandpit, walking around with mum’s shoes while pushing zebra and giraffe in the pram, having a picnic etc.

5 Around Easter time we took the kids to the drive-in for the first time to watch a double feature: Hop and Rio - Jessie stayed awake for most of both movies, Daniel slept through the second movie after polishing off much of the super salty popcorn. Jessica and her friend Niamh on a bit of a sugar rush after finishing off their easter egg hunt stash!

6 Encouraged by having survived the first camping trip we decided to have another go. This time we camped at Soldiers Point, another beautiful spot known for good fishing.

7 The park had someone come and do face painting for all the kids – note Jessie’s flowers and butterfly. Dad did some cooking and we had a resident possum come and clean up the barbecue at night.

8 As the rain set in we had breakfast in the tent, some fun and games with Dad and decided to pack up and head home.

9 On Mothers Day, Daniel helped Dad and Jess prepare breakfast for mum and did a spectacular dismount from the chair, taking off a fair bit of skin from the side of his face. We still occasionally get some sleepy snuggle time and Jessica’s love of ice-cream is not affected by cooler weather!

10 We hope that this diary finds you all happy and in good health. Till next time, God bless Love Johan, Steph, Jessica and Daniel xxxx

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