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SIGCSE Report Sue Fitzgerald ACM Education Council September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SIGCSE Report Sue Fitzgerald ACM Education Council September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIGCSE Report Sue Fitzgerald ACM Education Council September 2014

2 SIGCSE Board Susan Rodger, Chair Paul Tymann, Vice-Chair Amber Settle, Treasurer Judy Sheard, Secretary Tiffany Barnes, At Large Alison Clear, At Large Sue Fitzgerald, At Large Renee McCauley, Immediate Past Chair

3 Technical Symposium Year LocationSpecial Features 2014Atlanta, GA 1,285 attendees In cooperation with and co- located with first offering of Learning @ Scale conference New Educators Workshop 33 three-hour workshops 6 pre-Symposium events 2015Kansas City, MO New Chairs Workshop 2016Memphis, TN New Educators Workshop

4 ITiCSE LocationSpecial Features 2013University of Kent in Canterbury, United Kingdom 182 attendees 2014Uppsala University in Uppsala, Sweden 176 attendees 3 working groups 2015Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania 2016San Pablo Catholic University in Arequipa, Peru First time in South America

5 ICER LocationSpecial Features 2013University of California, San Diego in San Diego, CA 78 attendees Doctoral Consortium (12 students) 2014University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland 79 attendees Doctoral Consortium (18 students) Critical Research Review (12 participants) 2015University of Nebraska at Omaha in Omaha, NE Work in Progress Workshop 2016Melbourne, Australia

6 2013 Best Papers ConferencePaperAuthors ICER 2013In-Game Assessments Increase Novice Programmers' Engagement and Level Completion Speed Michael Lee, Andrew Ko and Irwin Kwan ICER 2013Exploring Hypotheses about Media Computation Mark Guzdial ITiCSE 2013Voice Interactive Learning: A Framework and Evaluation M. del Puerto Paule-Ruiz, Victor M. Álvarez-García & Juan-Ramon Pérez- Pérez, Moisés Riestra-González SIGCSE 2013 Retaining Nearly One-Third More Majors with a Trio of Instructional Best Practices in CS1 Leo Porter and Beth Simon

7 2014 Best Papers ConferencePaperAuthors ICER 2014Computer Programs, Dialogicality, and Intentionality Josh Tenenberg and Yifat Ben-David Kolikant ICER 2014Predicting Student Success Using Fine Grain Clicker Data Leo Porter, Daniel Zingaro, and Raymond Lister SIGCSE 2014 Student Projects Are Not Throwaways: Teaching Practical Software Maintenance in a Software Engineering Course Claudia Szabo ITiCSE 2014Failure Rates in Introductory Programming Revisited Christopher Watson and Frederick W.B. Li

8 2014 Award Winners Robert Panoff, Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education Andrea Lawrence, Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community

9 Special Projects Grants Fiscal YearAmount Spent Proposals Received Proposals Funded FY 2012$12,500254 FY 2013$31,360357 FY 2014$14,300363

10 Speakers Fund Program Fiscal Year# Speakers Funded Amount FY133$2090 FY142$1935* FY152** *Through March ** Not yet expended

11 Travel Grants Conceived and initially funded by Henry Walker For faculty who have never attended the SIGCSE Technical Symposium First awards were made in 2014 $500 each Target: 5 awards annually

12 Healthy Membership FY122557 FY132571 FY142567 Small increase in dues in FY14 ($25) Paper vs. electronic membership ($45)

13 Member Benefits ACM Inroads (4 issues, magazine for the computing education community) Proceedings of Technical Symposium, ITiCSE and ICER SIGCSE Electronic Bulletin (4 issues) Reduced registration rates for Technical Symposium, ITiCSE and ICER Free access to SIGCSE publication archives through the ACM Portal SIGCSE-ANNOUNCE and SIGCSE-MEMBERS mailing lists

14 Current Initiatives International expansion – ITiCSE to be held in South America in 2016 – Strong Australasian participation in ICER – SIGCSE Board - 2 out of 8 board members now non-US – Investigating how to cooperate in India and China Building relationships and expanding research – Exploring mutual activities with IEEE Education Society – Exploring conference opportunities with ACM Europe and Informatics Europe – Expanded Special Projects funding Expanding volunteer pool – Starting a volunteer recruitment campaign – Moving to 3-year cycles for volunteer positions

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