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Aemen Lodhi (Georgia Tech) Amogh Dhamdhere (CAIDA)

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Presentation on theme: "Aemen Lodhi (Georgia Tech) Amogh Dhamdhere (CAIDA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GENESIS: An agent-based model of interdomain network formation, traffic flow and economics
Aemen Lodhi (Georgia Tech) Amogh Dhamdhere (CAIDA) Constantine Dovrolis (Georgia Tech) 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012)

2 Outline GENESIS: Introduction & Motivation The model: Key features
Results Validation Analysis of results Case study How to use GENESIS in your research Outline of the presentation: Introduction/Objective What is the model all about? What does it tell? How can it be used? What the model is not? Comparison with other approaches Key features of the model Physical co-location constraints Provider selection model Peering strategies Traffic matrix Economic attributes Describe modularity/flexibility How does the model work? Order in which decisions are made/nodes play etc. Sources of heterogeneity Some implementation attributes e.g. scalability, computational resources required Validation attempts Analysis of the model Oscillations Variation in equilibria Zero sum game Case study Extension: Model used in evaluation of peering strategy adoption to be presented at NetEcon Availability of the model Questions

3 Introduction

4 Motivations for an interdomain network formation model
Insight into dynamics of interdomain network Study pricing schemes Study increasing asymmetry in interdomain traffic matrix Evaluate peering strategies Impact of actions on economic fitness Internet “ecosystem” in the future? What does it tell? How can it be used? What if questions

5 What is GENESIS Agent based interdomain network formation model
Autonomous Systems (AS) as independent agents acting in a distributed asynchronous manner Enterprise customer Transit Provider Internet Content Provider

6 What is GENESIS Actions by ASes Outcome of these actions
Transit provider selection Peering strategy selection Peering and Depeering decisions Outcome of these actions Formation of an interdomain network starting from a random initial state Mostly ending in equilibrium

7 What GENESIS is not Not a topology generation model
Not a crystal ball to accurately predict the economic fitness or hierarchical status of a single specific AS in future Use GENESIS for computing statistical properties of network topology + economic fitness of different categories of ASes What does it tell? How can it be used? What if questions

8 The Model

9 Model features Geographic co-location constraints in provider/peer selection Traffic matrix Public & Private peering Set of peering strategies Transit provider selection mechanism Economic attributes: Peering costs, Transit costs, Transit revenue

10 Model features Objective: Maximize economic fitness
Fitness = Transit Revenue – Transit Cost – Peering cost Objective: Maximize economic fitness Optimize connectivity through peer and transit provider selection

11 Geographic presence & constraints
Geographic overlap Regions corresponding to unique IXPs

12 Traffic Matrix Traffic for ‘N’’ size network represented through an N * N matrix Illustration of traffic matrix for a 4 AS network Intra-domain traffic not captured in the model Traffic sent by AS 0 to other ASes in the network Traffic received by AS 0 from other ASes in the network

13 Traffic components Autonomous system
Inbound traffic Traffic consumed in the AS Traffic generated within the AS Traffic transiting through the AS Autonomous system Outbound traffic Transit traffic = Inbound traffic – Consumed traffic same as Transit traffic = Outbound traffic – Generated traffic

14 Peering strategies Restrictive: Peer only to avoid network partitioning Selective: Peer with ASes of similar size 𝑉 𝑥 𝑉 𝑦 ≤𝜎 𝑉 𝑥 =𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡+𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑+𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑑 Open: Every co-located AS except customers

15 Peering strategy selection
Default model Tier 1 Transit providers: Restrictive All other transit providers: Selective Stubs: Open

16 Execution of a sample path
No exogenous changes Finite states Depeering Peering Transit provider selection Peering strategy update Depeering Peering Transit provider selection Peering strategy update Depeering Peering Transit provider selection Peering strategy update Iteration Iteration 1 2 N 1 2 N Time

17 results

18 Stability of the model Equilibrium: No topology, peering strategy changes in two consecutive iterations 90% simulations reach equilibrium Short time scales Average time to equilibrium: 6 iterations 1 2 N Iteration Time

19 Oscillations: An artifact?
10% simulations oscillate Always involve Tier-1 ASes Resemble real Tier-1 peering disputes GENESIS captures that endogenous dynamics cannot always produce stable network Exogenous intervention required 1 2 N Iteration Time

20 Validation Comprehensive validation not possible
Should be viewed as proof of concept 10% ASes end up being transit providers Average path length 3.7 (500 nodes) vs. Average Internet measured path length 4 Path length does not increase significantly as GENESIS scales from 500 to 1000 nodes

21 Validation Highly skewed degree distribution
Not exactly a power law owing to limited number of nodes Few links carry several orders of magnitude more traffic

22 Variability across equilibria
Sources of variation in a single population: Initial topology, Playing order Same population but different initial topology: 85% distinct equilibria Same population & initial topology but different playing order: 90% distinct equilibria Distinct equilibria quite similar in terms of topology Coefficient of variation of fitness close to zero for 90% ASes

23 Variability across equilibria
Most predictable ASes Stubs: Enterprise customers, Small ISPs Very large transit providers Most unpredictable ASes Midsize (regional) transit providers

24 Case study: Peering Openness
How does peering openness affect the properties of the network? Optimal fitness in range of peering ratios observed in the real world (1.5 to 5)

25 Case study: Peering Openness
Widespread peering: Saving on costs not the only outcome Results in loss of transit revenue

26 Summary of GENESIS findings
Individual AS status hard to predict Regional transit providers most sensitive to network level changes Overall network characteristics more predictable Internet a stable network (mostly) in the absence of exogenous factors Increased peering may result in loss of transit revenue

27 How can I use GENESIS in my research?
Presence at IXPs Presence at IXPs Flexible & Modular Resulting network Pricing schemes Traffic matrix Peering strategies Peering strategies

28 How can I use GENESIS in my research?
C++ single thread implementation Fast: average simulation time for 500 nodes: 1.25 hours Scales up to 1000 nodes Used in “Analysis of peering strategy adoption by transit providers in the Internet” NetEcon 2012 Available at:

29 Thank YOu

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