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3rd US-PRC Magnetic Fusion Collaboration Workshop May 18, 19, 2006 Dalian China The Progress of J-TEXT Rebuilding at Huazhong University of Science and.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd US-PRC Magnetic Fusion Collaboration Workshop May 18, 19, 2006 Dalian China The Progress of J-TEXT Rebuilding at Huazhong University of Science and."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd US-PRC Magnetic Fusion Collaboration Workshop May 18, 19, 2006 Dalian China The Progress of J-TEXT Rebuilding at Huazhong University of Science and Technology Kexun YU, Hongfa DING, Yuan PAN and 3rd US-PRC Magnetic Fusion Collaboration Workshop May 18, 19, 2006 Dalian China The Progress of J-TEXT Rebuilding at Huazhong University of Science and Technology Kexun YU, Hongfa DING, Yuan PAN and J-TEXT Team College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology May 19, 2006

2 Outline 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. The up-to-date Re-building 2. The up-to-date Re-building 3. The ongoing Work 3. The ongoing Work 4. The J-TEXT could do in China MCF 4. The J-TEXT could do in China MCF Project Project 5. Acknowledgement 5. Acknowledgement

3 Cooperation Background 1. Cooperation program of U.S.-PRC in magnetic confinement fusion field for 2002 1. Introduction

4 2. The Agreement between HUST of China and UT Austin of US Cooperation Background

5 Major points of the agreement of UT Austin and HUST:   FRC of UT Austin contributes the completed set of TEXT device to HUST, and also provides the auxiliary equipments, engineering support.   FRC of HUST will contribute building of the Joint TEXT Lab, and cover all of expenditure for setting up the Joint TEXT Lab.   The Joint TEXT Lab will be also used to train graduate students from both sides. Both sides will start exchanging program of graduate students and scholars.   The patent copyright and experimental data at the Joint TEXT Lab will be shared by FRC of UT Austin and FRC of HUST. 1. Introduction Cooperation Background

6 1. Introduction   The Texas Experimental Tokamak (TEXT) was built and operated by the University of Texas at Austin under the United States Department of Energy.   TEXT is a general–purpose device designed to provide facilities for fusion experiments. The main program is devoted to the study of plasma transport and turbulence. In addition, a number of smaller programs are undertaken. The TEXT Device

7   In 1990, the TEXT device was upgraded to TEXT-U. With the upgraded device, it will be possible to study the scalings of transport and fluctuations with increased power and for diverted discharges. The combination of a diverter and auxiliary heating should initiate the H-mode transition and extend these studies to H-mode plasma.  the joint TEXT Lab is under construction at the campus of HUST.  The whole TEXT device was moved to HUST at the end of 2003. And the joint TEXT Lab is under construction at the campus of HUST. 1. Introduction

8 The TEXT-U Device At UT Austin before Disassembly

9 TEXT-U Laboratory At UT Austin

10 The main parameters of J- TEXT Major Radius R = 1.05 m Minor Radius a = 0.26 m Plasma Current I p = 400 kA Magnetic Field B T = 3 T Plasma Density n e = 3.4x10 19 m -3 The TEXT Device 1. Introduction

11 The Diagnostic Systems Assignment of TEXT-U

12 2. The up-to-date Re-building The total investment is up to ¥ 17.7 million: ¥ 5 million for moving the TEXT device from UT to HUST ¥ 4 million for the laboratory building construction ¥ 1.5 million for the installation of Motor-Generator set ¥ 4 million for the power supply capacity upgrade ¥ 3.2 million for the reinstallation of the main machine of J- TEXT The investment in the re-building

13 2. The up-to-date Re-building   Authorized by Ministry of Education of China, a new speciality of pulse power and plasma was set up in HUST.   A group of young students, including postgraduate students, more than ten masters and doctors, are trained and join in the project of the rebuilding of J-TEXT Lab.

14 2. The up-to-date Re-building A new experimental building with its area over 1000 m 2 has been completed. Some old experimental hall and rooms over 1000 m 2 have been decorated. A building over 4000 m 2 are also improved to serves as research and administration area. Rooms for discharge control and data acquisition & management with antistatic floor have been built.   Construction of the building of the J-TEXT laboratory.

15 The overlook of the J-TEXT laboratory

16 The decorated research building

17 The re-installation of J-TEXT inside the Tokamak hall

18 2. The up-to-date Re-building   The main machine of the J-TEXT

19 2. The up-to-date Re-building   Completed the main circuit connection of the power supply system for magnetic field.

20 2. The up-to-date Re-building   the tokamak platform has been set up

21 3. The up-to-date Re-building   Re-installation of 100 MW pulsed motor-generator

22 2. The up-to-date Re-building   Power supply capacity has been upgraded to 6MVA. power distribution room after the power supply capacity upgraded

23 2. The up-to-date Re-building   Most of the cooling water system has been finished The 50 tons water tank integrate three 37kW pumping system inside

24 2. The up-to-date Re-building   The basic magnetic diagnostic system Plasma current—I P (t) measured by four Rogovski coils around the vacuum vessel. Loop voltage--V(t) measured by six loops around the vacuum vessel. MHD activity—studied by Mirnov magnetic probe arrays Total energy--E tot measured with diamagnetic loops

25 Rogovski coil to measure the plasma current

26 3. The ongoing Work   The control systems of 100 MW pulsed motor-generator   The system of de-ionized water   the rest part of the power supply system for J-TEXT magnetic field and its control system   vacuum system   data acquisition and management system   plasma diagnostic systems Several systems are being developed:

27 Schematic of general control system of J-TEXT The general control system of J- TEXT The general control system of J- TEXT 100MW motor- generator 100MW motor- generator power supply power supply data acquisition system data acquisition system diagnostic system diagnostic system security and protection system security and protection system vacuum system vacuum system TF P. S. OH P.S. HF P.S. VF P.S. DV P.S. Operating status monitor and protection Excitation system and its power supply control Variable speed control (doubly-fed)

28 3. ongoing Work 3. The ongoing Work Plasma Plasma diagnostic system being developed The vertical and horizontal position calculated from sine and cosine loops. H α intensity monitored with an interference filter and photodiode. the line-averaged plasma density on a vertical chord measured by infrared HCN interferometer. Electron temperature measured with the soft X-ray pulse height analysis (PHA) system. Radiated power-- a bolometer viewing a central chord of the plasma.

29 4.The J-TEXT could Do in China MCF Project   A world-wide open laboratory in the field of fusion plasma.   Combining with the other education resources of Hust, it could be the main experimental device for cultivating and training fusion engineers   Used to examine the innovate idea and develop advanced operation regime.   Devote to the R&D of novel fusion technology   Serves as the complementary and pre-experimental device for large-size tokamaks.

30 Special Expectation In our schedule, the whole rebuilding work will be completed by the end of this year. And now we need the supports from all aspects, especially finance funding, to guarantee our rebuilding plan of J-TEXT.

31 5. Acknowledgement FRC of UT Austin, US Especially for Professor Kenneth Gentle, engineer Keith Carter, Doctor He Huang, and many other friends. Southwestern Institute of Physics, China Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science

32 Thank you!

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