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Human Genome Project Bioinformatics.

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1 Human Genome Project Bioinformatics

2 Human Genome The idea of a coordinated effort to sequence the human genome was first raised at a meeting at the University of California at Santa Cruz in 1985 What are some major concerns about sequencing? Who will fund it? What impact will it have on biology? Who’s DNA should be sequenced?

3 Human Genome Estimated that it cost $3 billion over the 15 year project that was funded by the Department of Energy It began in 1988 and the first draft was announced in 2000 with the more complete version released in 2003 (2 years ahead of schedule)

4 Human Genome Two major advances allowed for the project to be possible
Computer processing power Sequencing Two projects were undertaken Private company (Celera) used whole genome shotgun approach Concerns over patenting information in the genome Public used a head-to-toe approach

5 Sequencing The project
“Putting it together” Animations Sanger sequencing Whole shotgun method Head-to-toe sequencing “Pieces of the Puzzle” Sequencing Shot gun methods DNA libraries

6 Sequencing History of sequencing
The currently used chain terminating sequencing was created in 1975 by Fredrick Sanger Sanger is an English biochemist that won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry two times in 1958 for determining the protein sequence of insulin and in 1980 for DNA sequencing Manipulation “Sorting and sequencing”

7 Website DNA interactive website: links to Human Identification, Recovering the Romanovs, Human Origins and Genes and Medicine Handouts and activities from BCSC found on wiki under bioinformatics resources

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