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Organizing Committee: Marián Mihálik, Marián Reiffers, Mária Zentková, Sergej Ilkovič, Marianna Baťková, Ivan Baťko.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing Committee: Marián Mihálik, Marián Reiffers, Mária Zentková, Sergej Ilkovič, Marianna Baťková, Ivan Baťko."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing Committee: Marián Mihálik, Marián Reiffers, Mária Zentková, Sergej Ilkovič, Marianna Baťková, Ivan Baťko

2 8.30 -16.30 hod. Medzinárodná účasť: Czech Republic USA Israel Germany Portugal England Italy Poland

3 8th School on Physics and Chemistry of the Actinides Synthesis of actinide compounds – Tomasz Klimczuk Phase diagrams for actinide intermetallics – Antonio Goncalves Surface science in actinides – Thomas Gouder Computational Chemistry: Application in Actinides Simulation Electronic structure theories of actinides – Alexander Shick Soft x-ray and Vacuum Ultraviolet based Spectroscopy of the Actinides – J. Tobin Magnetic properties of actinides – Havela Ladislav 7- 8.4.2011

4 41th Journées des Actinides 9 -11.4. 2011 Strongly correlated behaviour, superconductivity, quantum criticality Theory, electronic structure Material science Nuclear fuel cycle, environment

5 11.4.2011 Trip in High Tatras

6 Conference Dinner and International Advisory Committee meeting 11. 4. 2011

7 12. 4. 2011 Poster Session and conference sumarry High- Pressure Resistivity of UPd₃ Jiří Prchal, Ladislav Havela, Alexander V. Andreev -Získala som kontakt - Dohodla pobyt v Prahe na prípravu vzorky YB₆ na meranie odporu vo WC anvil pod tlakom

8 YB6 x Working space diameter Safe pressure Maximum pressure Pyrophyllite ring (MgSiO 3 ) Steatite disc (AlSi 2 O 5 OH) outer dia (mm) inner dia (mm) thickness (  m) diameter (mm) thickness (  m) 3.5 mm2.0 mm6-7 GPa~11 GPa3.52.0150-2002.050-60 2.0 mm1.0 mm12-13 GPa~20 GPa2.01.0100-1201.035-45 1.5 mm0.7 mm20-22 GPa~30 GPa1.50.7100-1200.735-45 WC anvill

9 Ďakujem za pozornosť

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