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Parable of the Good Samaritan

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2 Parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37

3 Lawyer “Lawyer” sometimes termed “scribe”
Professional teacher & expounder of the Mosaic Law and traditional sayings attached to it Whole life of people was ruled & guided by the Law Lawyers important & influential

4 Expert Comes to Jesus Question: “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Don’t give this lawyer an credit Not interested in answer but asked to test Jesus He thought himself the Teacher and Jesus the Student

5 Jesus the Teacher “What is written in the law?”
Lawyer pleased to show off his expertise in the law He made a skillful reply Declared the Law is summarized in the requirement to love God & man

6 Jesus the Teacher “Good student!” “Do this, and you will live.”
Jesus reply not only defeated the lawyer but smote his conscience Replies: “And who is my neighbor?” Attempted to justify himself Jesus didn’t give him chance to respond: PARABLE of Good Samaritan

7 The Parable A Jew went down a steep road from Jerusalem to Jericho
Beset by robbers, stripped of garments, possession, & left for dead Robbers’ View of Life: “What is yours is mine and I’ll take it!”

8 Priest & Levite First to approach was a Priest Second was a Levite
Priest and Levite’s View of Life: “What is mine is mine and I’ll keep it!”

9 Samaritan A man of alien race & despised religion showed compassion
Bound up wounds, placed on own beast, brought to an inn, & paid for his care Samaritan’s View of Life: “What is mine is yours. If you need it, it’s yours.”

10 “Which one proved to be a neighbor to this man?”

11 Jesus’ Instructions “Go and do likewise”
Jesus teaches that our neighbor is not only the one who “lives near,” but anyone who needs our help The law of love is not limited by rank or position, race or location Must love God with all our heart

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