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Lessons From. Introductory Thoughts Background to the book Hosea prophesied to the ten northern tribes around the year 750 BC. Nothing is known of Hosea's.

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1 Lessons From

2 Introductory Thoughts Background to the book Hosea prophesied to the ten northern tribes around the year 750 BC. Nothing is known of Hosea's family or occupation, only that he was the son of Beeri. Hosea's message was a message of doom. Notice what Hosea said concerning the Israelites in Hosea 8:7. The mistakes of the Israelites present valuable lessons for us to learn. We too will reap what we sow.

3 They Were Destroyed Because of the Lack of Knowledge Hosea 4:6 Neglecting to study is sowing to the wind. Their lack of knowledge resulted in much wickedness. They had rejected the knowledge of God's will and, as a result, God was about to reject them. All of us need serious study of God's word. Many people think they know God's will, but, in reality, they know only bits and pieces.

4 The Parable of the Good Samaritan There was a Good Samaritan going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among the thorns, and they sprang up and choked him and left him half dead. So he said, `I will arise!' and he arose and came to a tree and got hung in a limb of that tree for forty days and forty nights, and the ravens fed him. Then Delilah came along with a pair of shears and cut off his hair, and he fell on stony ground.

5 The Parable of the Good Samaritan He said again, `I will arise!' So he came to a wall, and Jezebel was sitting on that wall; and he cried out, `Throw her down!' So they threw her down, and a dumb donkey spoke with man's voice when he saw some of her blood being sprinkled on the wall, and when they came to pick up the fragments that remained, they picked up twelve baskets full, but whose wife shall she be in the resurrection?

6 They Were Trusting in the Wrong Sources Trusted in their idols Hosea 4:17 Hosea 8:4-6 Trusted in Assyria for help Hosea 5:13-15 Hosea 7:8-10 Consider Psalm 55

7 Guilty of Grievous Sins Hosea 4:1-3 Hosea 6:7-11 Bloodshed and immorality were common in those days All the while, these same evil people were still offering their animal sacrifices - Hosea 9:4

8 Guilty of Grievous Sins As we consider this, it is similar to the Christian today who, although he continues to attend services regularly, lives an evil, corrupt life. We need to beware of empty, meaningless ritual. We need sincerity in our worship, coupled with godly living in our everyday lives.

9 Leaders were Corrupt Hosea 5:1 Hosea 6:9 Corrupt leaders existed in Jesus time – John 18:28 Jesus rebuked the Pharisees Compared to a whited tomb – Outward Beauty, Inward Filth Our challenge is to be continually cleansed by renewing the inward man day by day.

10 They Were Called to Repentance Hosea 14:1-3 Hosea’s responsibility was to convict them of sin so they may be humbled and return to God. God would have readily received and blessed them if true repentance had taken place.

11 Concluding Thoughts God commands all men to come to repentance and obedience today. God will wipe away our sin if and when we turn to Him. Recall, if you will, the skier from ABC’s Wide World of Sports. Why did he choose to fall?

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