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1. 2 The Induction of New Governors A Guide for Governing Bodies Governor Support Unit.

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2 2 The Induction of New Governors A Guide for Governing Bodies Governor Support Unit

3 3 Thank you for agreeing to serve as a member of the Governing Body at one of the Authority’s schools. Members of the Council, along with Headteachers and Staff in schools are appreciative of the time given on a voluntary basis by people like yourself, who are prepared to become involved in ensuring that all local children receive a good quality education. As a new Governor, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the wide range of support, help and training available from : The Governor Support Unit Your school’s dedicated Admin Officer / School Support Officer Other members of the Governing Body School and LEA staff to enable you to participate as part of the team.

4 4 Any Governor who has a particular skill or interest, whether from their workplace, home, or social life, will be encouraged to share these and become involved in all aspects of the work of the Governing Body. The aim of this presentation is to provide information on an induction process for new Governors and includes guidance on : taking the first steps to introduce yourself Relevant documentation you should receive The availability of training and development activities

5 5 What can be done ? New Governors should be prepared to take an active role within the Governing Body as soon as possible. This must include : Informing them fully of the work of Governors Informing them fully of the work of Governors Filling in gaps in their knowledge about current issues in education Filling in gaps in their knowledge about current issues in education Offering support for as long as possible Offering support for as long as possible Working in an informal and non-hierarchical way so that new Governors can make a contribution from the beginning Working in an informal and non-hierarchical way so that new Governors can make a contribution from the beginning This requires : Commitment from the whole Governing Body Commitment from the whole Governing Body A procedure that ensures that new Governors do not slip through the net, but receive the help and support they need A procedure that ensures that new Governors do not slip through the net, but receive the help and support they need

6 6 The four year term of office introduced in 1988, means that new Governors might join the Governing body at any time during the year. It also means that turnover may be a regular, ongoing process. There have been many complaints about information overload in recent years. It is important that new Governors feel supported and not buried under the weight of information. Using this guide will help you to ensure that they receive the information they need, but in manageable stages.

7 7 Models of Good Practice Many Governing Bodies in Carmarthenshire have introduced schemes to help new Governors to become rapidly familiar with their new role. Here come some examples Introductions Being introduced to a dozen or so new faces all at once could be intimidating. Instead, consideration could be given to having names on place cards in front of each Governor, or each Governor to wear a name badge..

8 8 Mentoring As soon as a new Governor is appointed, an experienced Governor is quickly identified to help them in their new role The experienced Governor is acting as a ‘mentor’. The mentor helps the new Governor by : Meeting them before the first Governing Body meeting, so that there is at least one person present that the new Governor knows. Going through the papers for the first meeting with the new Governor, pointing out important issues for the school and helping with problems, such as jargon Explaining the rules of the meeting such as ‘speaking through the chair’

9 9 Arranging for the new Governor to be introduced to the other members of the Governing Body preferably before or during their first meeting Arranging for the new Governor to be introduced to the other members of the Governing Body preferably before or during their first meeting Sitting with the new Governor at their first meeting to answer any procedural or other questions Sitting with the new Governor at their first meeting to answer any procedural or other questions Formal or informal translation arrangements for a bilingual meeting Formal or informal translation arrangements for a bilingual meeting

10 10 Informal Introductions On the appointment of the new Governor, the Chairperson arranges for all members of the Governing Body to arrive 15 minutes before the official start of the meeting. It is suggested that hot and cold drinks are provided and the Chairperson introduces the new Governor to the other members individually On the appointment of the new Governor, the Chairperson arranges for all members of the Governing Body to arrive 15 minutes before the official start of the meeting. It is suggested that hot and cold drinks are provided and the Chairperson introduces the new Governor to the other members individually Interests and Agenda Items Prior to the first Governing Body meeting, the Chair seeks an opportunity to talk to the new Governor about his/her interests and skills. Prior to the first Governing Body meeting, the Chair seeks an opportunity to talk to the new Governor about his/her interests and skills. Where the new Governor has areas of concern he or she wishes to raise, the Chair ensures that it is addressed in the agenda for that meeting, and will ask the new Governor to speak on this item when the item is addressed. Where the new Governor has areas of concern he or she wishes to raise, the Chair ensures that it is addressed in the agenda for that meeting, and will ask the new Governor to speak on this item when the item is addressed.

11 11 The New Governor Information and Support in the First Month

12 12 New Governors will want to know : what the job is about how much time it will take how much time it will take what help will be available what help will be available how to get to know what goes on in the school how to get to know what goes on in the school A meeting with the Chair and/or Headteacher provides an excellent opportunity to brief the new Governor on these items, as well as current issues affecting the school. A relaxed and informal meeting should provide the new Governor with an opportunity to ask those simple, but very important questions that are necessary when taking on any new, or unfamiliar role.

13 13 In the first month of appointment, Governors should be offered the following support and information tickAction Who is responsible Arrange a date for a meeting with the Headteacher and/or Chair, and a date for school visit Headteacher or Chair Details of meetings dates already arranged (including Governing Body meetings, Governors Annual Report to parents ) Headteacher or Chair or Governor Support Officer Given a copy of the ‘School Governors : A Guide to the Law’ issued by the WAG Headteacher or Governor Support Officer Given a copy of the last meeting’s agenda Headteacher or Chair

14 14 tickAction Who is responsible Provided with an overview of what goes on at each termly meeting e.g. Autumn – Chair/Vice, Committees Headteacher or Chair or Governor Support Officer Given a copy of the ’School Governors Handbook’ issued by Governors Wales Headteacher or Governor Support Officer Given a copy of the school Prospectus Headteacher Given a copy of the latest Annual Report to Parents Headteacher Given a copy of the School Development Plan Headteacher Provided with information on Foundation Training courses and any school-based Governor Training already arranged Governor Support Unit or Headteacher or Chair

15 15 The New Governor Information and Support in the First Three Months in the First Three Months

16 16 The Headteacher and /or Chair should arrange for the new Governor to visit the school as soon as possible. This will be an opportunity for the new Governor to become familiar with the school and meet some of the staff. tickAction Who is responsible Meeting with the Headteacher and/or Chair Headteacher/Chair Visit to the school Headteacher/Chair Given details of the school establishment (staffing, class organisation ) and membership of the Governing Body Headteacher / Governor Support Officer Given details of policy documentation in operation including the aims of the school Headteacher

17 17 TickAction Who is responsible Informed on how to have items included on the agenda for Governing Body and Committee meetings Headteacher /Chair / Governor Support Unit Opportunity to participate in Foundation Training Governor Support Unit Given the opportunity to participate in at least one committee or working group of the Governing Body Governing Body

18 18 Support for Governors There are a range of support services and written material available to Governors to help them in fulfilling their duties. Here are some of the sources : Welsh Assembly Government ‘Governors Guide to the Law’ – new edition published in January 2003 ‘Governors Guide to the Law’ – new edition published in January 2003

19 19 Governors Wales ‘School Governors Handbook’ – 3 rd edition published in Summer 2000 ‘School Governors Handbook’ – 3 rd edition published in Summer 2000 Telephone helpline – (local rate) Telephone helpline – 0845 60 20 100 (local rate) Visit their website – Visit their website – Field officers employed to support local Governors Associations Field officers employed to support local Governors Associations Conferences for representatives of local Governors Associations Conferences for representatives of local Governors Associations

20 20 Carmarthenshire Governor Support Unit Supports Governors within the county Supports Governors within the county Annual Conference for representatives of all Governing Bodies in Carmarthenshire Annual Conference for representatives of all Governing Bodies in Carmarthenshire Experienced Governor Support Officers available to support Governing Bodies and individual Governors Experienced Governor Support Officers available to support Governing Bodies and individual Governors Advice always available by phone Advice always available by phone Comprehensive Governor Training Programme available each term Comprehensive Governor Training Programme available each term Regular newsletter Regular newsletter Written support materials Written support materials

21 21 The Governor Support Team Ken Davies Unit Manager 01267 224516 Jane Rees Administrative Officer 01267 224508 Rhiannydd Jones- Evans Administrative Assistant 01267 224564 Zara James Clerical Assistant 01267 224519

22 22 All Wales Centre of Excellence for Governor Training and Research Research into Governor training in Wales Research into Governor training in Wales Advice, information and newsletters Advice, information and newsletters Consultancy services Consultancy services

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