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Focusing on Students At-Risk School Planning Activity 2/2.

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1 Focusing on Students At-Risk School Planning Activity 2/2

2 Focusing on At-Risk Students Process 1.Access the Reports from ReportNet 2.Display the Data together with your teacher(s) 3.Reflect on the data using the questions provided 4.Using the Venn diagram worksheet, list the students and the specific strategies that will be the focus for each student listed in the worksheet 5.In your Student system, add these students to the At-Risk group 6.Re-assess these students in March

3 Create the Class Profile select: – Report Card results for 2009-2010 ( this will also display 3 prior terms) – Grade 4 – English Reading – DRA-P, DRA or CASI, PM Benchmark ( we are looking for your reading assessments for Grade 3 and Grade 4 ) Create the DRA or CASI Detail List Report  Other Report Options – Student Profile Multiple – OLA Student List – for grades SK, 1,2 Step 1 Focusing on At-Risk Students Accessing the Data

4 Step 2 Display Data – Class Profile Grade 4, 2009-2010, Reading, assessment DRA/DRA-P, CASI, PM Benchmark

5 Display Data – DRA/CASI Detail Summary Report 2009-2010, term 1, DRA Grades SK,1,2,3

6 DRA Junior/CASI – Grade 4,5,6,7,8

7 Consider the EQAO data from Spring, 2009. What is the relationship between the June report card data and the EQAO data for those students. On the basis of this comparison, at what level are these students currently achieving? EQAO Considerations

8 1.What data catches your eye? 2.Is there anything in the data that you do not understand? 3.If so, what would you like clarified? 4.Is there anything about the data that you find surprising? 5.What patterns of strengths and needs are evident? 6.What concerns you most about the data? 7.As a result of your examination of the data, at what level is each student currently functioning? 8.What target will you set for each student between now and March? 9.Enter each student on the following VENN for the class Step 3 Analyze the Data

9 CURRENT Level of Student Achievement at the Classroom Level ALL students in the school are included Teachers will enter each student in the Venn For combined grades, the names of students in the top grade are placed at the top of the Venn and the bottom grade at the bottom of the Venn (i.e. in a 1/2 combined class, the 1’s are at the top and the 2’s are at the bottom) NOTE: For exceptional students, each student’s achievement is in relation to the grade appropriate subject expectations with or without accommodations as reflected in the IEP. Place each student on the Venn circle relative to the achievement of grade appropriate levels not those that have been modified as set out in the IEP. Students with Alternative Expectations are placed to the left of the level 1 Venn circle Level 1Level 2 Level 3Level 4 Students at High Level 1, Low Level 2 Students at High Level 2, Low Level 3 Students at High Level 3, Low Level 4 Alternate Expectations

10 ABC Public School 2009-2010 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Reading Teacher ___________ Grade _____________ Hillary Justin Lorne Kyle Shilo Mitchell Jessica Shelby James Samantha Justin Kaitlyn Colton Amanda Gage Justin W Dawson Logan Ana Dustin Jaden Austin Low 2 High 1 Liz Emily Paul Rob High 2 Low 3 Kira Taylor Chris High 3 Low 4 Strategies List Special Education Support – E.A., CYW, Literacy Booster Groups (Primary), Case Management Strategies List Strategies List Intentional Instruction - Balanced Literacy Implementation for Reading and Writing – School Plan Focus, Specific Instructional Strategies

11 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Reading Grade _____________ Hillary Justin Lorne Kyle Shilo Mitchell Jessica Shelby James Samantha Justin Kaitlyn Colton Amanda Gage Justin W Dawson Logan Ana Dustin Jaden Austin Low 2 High 1 Liz Emily Paul Rob High 2 Low 3 Kira Taylor Chris High 3 Low 4 Setting Targets for Improvement Highlight the names of students who are targeted to move by March. The number of students who will move is the target for the grade. Calculate the new number of students at each level of achievement. This is the number that is inserted into the template at the end of the PowerPoint.

12 Step 4 Using the Venn Diagram List the Students on the Venn Diagram template List the specific strategies for improvement on the template Based on the students identified, this is your target for improvement

13 Worksheet ABC Public School 2009-2010 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Reading Teacher ___________ Grade _____________ Strategies List Strategies List Strategies List

14 Monitoring these students using the reports 1.Enter the students into the at-risk group in Trillium 2.These are the students that will be monitored regularly using the ‘At-Risk’ flag in the reports 3.Repeat this process for the next reporting period Link to access the instructions to enter At-Risk Students in Trillium =108 Step 5 Track These Students

15 Reflect on the classroom strategies previously used to support the at-risk students. Which ones do we think had the most impact? Which strategies were tried but did not appear to move the students? Step 6 What strategies worked?

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