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Progress Monitoring for All Student Adapted from the Kentucky Systems of Interventions Guidance Document.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Monitoring for All Student Adapted from the Kentucky Systems of Interventions Guidance Document."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Monitoring for All Student Adapted from the Kentucky Systems of Interventions Guidance Document

2 Progress Monitoring for All Students The results of progress monitoring inform decisions about instruction at the classroom level and the individual student level.

3 Progress Monitoring for All Student Frequent monitoring allows school personnel to intervene early to correct errors and encourage students to continue correct responding In academic and behavior supports, it is important to monitor student progress to determine whether students are performing behaviors (e.g., peer interactions, requesting attention) correctly and whether those responses meet a standard for acceptable quality

4 Progress Monitoring Includes: Analysis of student performance on formative assessments. These will inform instructional decisions to provide a seamless system of intervention for improving student achievement o (e.g., questioning, observation, student feedback, parent information).

5 Progress Monitoring Includes: Collected data (anecdotal classroom records, student self-reflection, parent input, teacher-made assessments, etc.) on students’ strengths as well as their needs.

6 Behavior Examples of Data Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) Daily behavior charts/sheets Rating scales for teachers and students

7 Diagnostic Assessments Diagnostic assessments for instruction are typically given to students who are not meeting or who are exceeding the established standard as determined by the universal screener. The results of the diagnostic assessments for instruction are used as a guide in determining the specific interventions to implement with the student so that continuous learning occurs. It is important to note that the data should be included in the student intervention plan (e.g., IEP, 504, GSSP, Program Services Plan [PSP], Individual Learning Plan [ILP]).

8 Baseline Performance Describes the student’s current performance of a skill or strategy in measurable terms The baseline serves as a starting point for instruction

9 Baseline Data for Behavior Use data collected from universal screeners to collect baseline data Baseline data is the data collected prior to interventions being implemented and signifies the student’s level of performance on a targeted skill/behavior expectation

10 Data Collection Plan A data collection plan includes: Frequency of data collection A charting and analysis method Number of data points to collect before analysis A process to monitor the progress of all students

11 Data Collection Schedule Times for data collection should be worked into daily and weekly plans for instruction. Data collection does not necessarily have to be separate from this instructional time; this situation can provide a real picture of student performance during a typical day.

12 Data Collection Compiling data is a critical component in progress monitoring. o Summarizes data collected periodically o Provides the team with useful reference points in time. o Saves time and confusion during meetings.

13 Questions to Consider Are the behavioral interventions evidence- based? Does the progress monitoring provide adequate data for decision-making? Does the data from progress monitoring assist schools in the development of behavioral strategies and use of appropriate curriculum for the student’s behavioral need? How is the behavioral data maintained?

14 Questions to Consider How frequently is student data reviewed? Is communication between school and home regarding student behavioral progress consistent, organized and meaningful? How will the intervention plan be communicated to the student and how will the student be involved in the process?

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