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© NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Using data for tracking, monitoring and evaluating progress.

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Presentation on theme: "© NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Using data for tracking, monitoring and evaluating progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Using data for tracking, monitoring and evaluating progress of MAT learners and identifying underachievment

2 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Aims for the session  Explore the connections between the analysis and use of data, identification and target setting in relation to MAT learners  To explore who are our MAT underachievers  To consider strategies to ensure appropriate achievement and attainment for MAT learners

3 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring IdentificationUse of dataTarget setting Is our practice in these areas inter-related and making a difference to provision for MAT learners? Initial connections

4 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Identification Key lines for exploration:  Does our identification include a broad range of abilities, skills and talents?  Does analysis of the identified learners show that it is representative of all identified groups including EAL, FSM, vulnerable groups, gender, double exceptionality etc?  How does this identification inform school practice in relation to data analysis, teaching and learning and target setting?

5 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Use of data What data do we use to provide information about pupils’:  abilities and talents  attainment, achievement and progress  attitudes and dispositions  participation.

6 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Use of data Key lines for exploration  What does the data tell us about the attainment, achievement and progress of MAT learners?  Are expectations sufficiently high?  How do we use this to identify MAT learners and inform target setting?

7 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Target setting ‘Success is all about achieving a goal... The reason why target setting is all too often ineffective is that targets are not sufficiently specific, nor are they owned by the individual.’ Strategies for Closing the Learning Gap Mike Hughes with Andy Vass

8 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Target setting Key lines for exploration  How does data analysis and tracking support high expectations and good progress?  How is it used to identify underachievement

9 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Underachievement  Underachievers are not a uniform group and they may exhibit a variety of characteristics  Expectations, and how they are transmitted, are a vital factor  We need to reach a shared understanding and agreement on how to assess and identify the potential as well as the achievement of more able pupils.  As teachers we exert the strongest and most lasting influence on able underachievers

10 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring MAT learners who are ‘doing well enough’ in terms of performance may be underachieving MAT learners who have ‘barriers’ which mean that they function below their potential and their ability may go unrecognised MAT learners who were identified, but have slowed in progress or are ‘stuck’ How do we discuss underachievement in our school? Ability does not always lead to achievement

11 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Underachievers may show:  A sense of inadequacy and limited ambition  A dislike of school work  Poor work habits  Unsatisfactory relationships with peers  High incidence of emotional difficulties  Behavioural problems in school

12 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring What Factors can affect the performance of Underachievers?

13 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Supporting underachievers  Robust tracking systems and intelligent data analysis  Frequently reviewed and modified personalised learning programmes with aspirational targets  Learner voice  Learning mentors  Informative feedback (AfL)  Complementary learning opportunities  Celebration of achievement  Parental/Carer links

14 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Success criteria  Clear and shared understanding of the connections between the analysis and use of data, identification and target setting in relation to MAT learners  Strategies identified to ensure appropriate achievement and attainment for all MAT learners  Leadership will be clear about the priorities for development and what success will look like  Factors that cause MAT underachievement identified

15 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Tracking and monitoring Whatever action we take – we need to ask What is the impact? What difference has it made to the learner?

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