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Problem Based Learning Project Presented by Penny Reagan, Elizabeth Stewart & Stephanie Watkins.

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2 Problem Based Learning Project Presented by Penny Reagan, Elizabeth Stewart & Stephanie Watkins

3 The Digital Dilemma The Problem: How do we allow the end users access to files on the internet yet protect the rights of the artist and industry.

4 Business Perspective Profits!

5  Music and software piracy cost productions more than $4,000,000,000 annually.

6 Targeted for Suit  Individuals  Small distributors  Foreign countries

7 Financial Losses  Decreased Sales  Down Sizing  Lost Jobs  Increased Prices 1.Offset losses due to piracy 1.Offset losses due to piracy 2.Copy-blocking technology 2.Copy-blocking technology

8 The Keys to Stabilization  Education  Stiff Penalties

9 Legalities  Artistic permission to download  Non-copyrighted files

10 The Problem  Is the file copyrighted  Use of sites which give artistic permission

11 Incentives for legal use.  900 subpoenas  Hundreds of users sued

12 The Artist Chimes In  Audience  Loss of livelihood

13 Artistic Integrity  Long Hours  Quality of product

14 Copyright It’s the law!

15 ACTION PLAN  Technology Filters “fingerprinting” Filters “fingerprinting” Drawbacks Drawbacks Files without “fingerprints” Files without “fingerprints”

16 Ethics  7.7 million paid digital tracks downloaded  4 million CD’s purchased

17 Education  Provide information  Opportunities to pay online

18 Our Business Action Plan  Education  Penalties  Technology

19 Sources Anstead, Susan M. (1999) Financial Implications of Copyright Violations. Retrieved Feb. 23, 2004 from Copyright Industries Support the U.S. Trade Representative’s Commitment to Combat Piracy. International Intellectual Property Alliance, May 1, 2003. Retrieved Feb. 22, 2004 from

20 Cost of a CD, RIAA newsletter, Retrieved Feb. 23, 2004 from August,2003). "Copyright and Digital Media in a Pst- Napster World(," Retrieved March 3, 2004 from GartnerG2 and the Berkman Center for Internet &Society at Harvard Law School. Electronic Frontier Foundation Statement Opposing H.R. 52211, the Peer-to-Peer Piracy Prevention Act. Retrieved on March 3,2004 help.html help.html FBI and Recording Industry Unveil New Anti-Piracy Seal. RIAA newsletter. Retrieved March 3, 2004 from htt//

21 "Legislation." American Library Association. 2003. Retrieved on March 3,2004 ghts/legislation ghts/legislation Lawsuits Damp Down P2P Audience. Sept. 30,2003. Retrieved March 5, 2003 from

22 MP3 FILES. IS DOWNLOADING THEM LEGAL? AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, IS IT RIGHT? RETRIEVED FEB.25, 2004, from Grand Valley State University Site. wysiwyg://88/ ml ml RIAA Announces 2003 Year-End Shipment Numbers. RIAA newsletter, Retrieved March 3, 2004 from

23 US Government eport.pdf What the RIAA is Doing About Piracy. RIAA newsletter. Retrieved March 3, 2004 from

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