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State Level School Improvement Systems Monitoring Impact Tim Boyd & Shawna Moran School Improvement Specialists Oregon Department of Education.

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1 State Level School Improvement Systems Monitoring Impact Tim Boyd & Shawna Moran School Improvement Specialists Oregon Department of Education

2 Today’s Objectives 1.Provide an overview of state routines 2.Highlight connections between routines 3.Discuss qualities of good routines

3 Strategic Plan Mission, Values, Goals & Objectives 1.Learners 2.Educators 3.Schools & Districts 4.Communities 5.ODE

4 Strategic Plan Mission, Values, Goals & Objectives 1.Learners 2.Educators 3.Schools & Districts Identify and Improve Oregon’s Chronically Underperforming Schools 4.Communities 5.ODE

5 Identify & Improve Oregon’s Chronically Underperforming Schools School Improvement “HAWD & HASD” Routines Interagency Cross-Office R&R Routine State Department Stock-Take Routine

6 How Are We Doing Routine? (Team Level) Who? The School Improvement Team (there are 4 of us) What? A specific routine is used by which we identify, monitor and adjust our major work projects that directly support the agency’s Strategic Plan When & Where? Three to four times a year - we block out a few hours or a morning This doesn’t preclude the amount of time we meet as a team in between the routine as we “work” over the course of the year Why? To flesh out our work plans and work loads To examine the efficacy of our work based on data What next? New actions or course corrections are made & recorded Information is used as appropriate at the Cross Office Routine Information/data is used to define/refine agency goals and strategic plans.

7 Identify & Improve Oregon’s Chronically Underperforming Schools School Improvement “HAWD & HASD” Routines Interagency Cross-Office Routine Strategic Plan Stock-Take Routine

8 How Are Schools Doing Routine? Who? School Improvement Team; Regional Network Coordinators; Education Northwest Project Managers What? Quarterly routine to examine quantitative and qualitative data to adjust supports and interventions to schools and districts When & Where? Location varies; Quarterly to align with updated CAPs and to offer up-to-date feedback Why? To study strategies and leading indicators in order to adjust professional development, supports, etc.; mobilize interventions based on needs, gaps, etc. What next? Routines inform routines (HASD  HAWD / Stock Takes  Cross Office) Learning drives data collection Data, information and context lead to conversations and better questions

9 Identify & Improve Oregon’s Chronically Underperforming Schools School Improvement “HAWD & HASD” Routines Interagency Cross-Office Routine State Department Stock-Take Routine

10 How Are We Doing Routine (Cross Office Level) Who? Education Program Specialists from various teams / departments (SI, Student Services, Federal Programs, Equity) What? Three layers: Diagnostic Routine, Analysis / Study; Intervention Different team members at each phase – especially at the Analysis and Intervention Phases When & Where? Fall (when summative, et al., data become available) and Winter (when grad rates, et al., become available) Why? Reduce burden to districts and schools Align agency work / initiatives Integrate supports What next? Routines inform routines… Build the data dashboards Mobilize deeper support from management

11 Questions

12 Keep in mind… Good routines: Have a common purpose Get the right people at the table Are driven by a shared view of performance and progress Result in identifying and solving problems Encourage learning and collaboration Rely on committing to clear next steps Know the purpose of your routine – support or accountability?

13 Think Time What are the strategies that drive the work for your organization? How do you know if / when they are working? What meetings / structures do you have that might be repurposed to support this type of work?

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