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What is systems ? It is a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose. e.g. human body, business. What is system analysis and design? It.

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Presentation on theme: "What is systems ? It is a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose. e.g. human body, business. What is system analysis and design? It."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is systems ? It is a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose. e.g. human body, business. What is system analysis and design? It refers to the process of examining a business situation with the intent of improving it through better procedure and method.

2 Overview of system analysis and design
System development has two major components :- system analysis and design System design is the process of planning a new business system or one to replace an existing system. System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and using information to recommend improvements to the system. This is job of system analysts.

3 Who are users? The mangers and employees in an organization who interact with information system. The degree of their involvement may vary.

4 Types of systems

5 Types of systems Transaction processing systems
computerized information system that were developed to process large amount of data for routine business transaction such as payroll etc.

6 Office automation systems and knowledge work systems:-
office automation system supports data workers who usually do not create a new knowledge but rather analyze information so as to transform data or manipulate it knowledge work system :- support professional workers such as scientists , engineers , and doctors etc.

7 Decision support systems
It is similar to the traditional management information system It is aimed at assisting managers who are faced with nonrecurring (unique) decision problems. Unstructured or semi-structured decision Unstructured decision:- no clear procedure for making decision and not all the factors to be considered in decision can be readily identified in advance.

8 Expert system and Artificial Intelligence :-
The expert system is a major application of AI today. Also known as knowledge-based systems, expert systems act as intelligent assistants to human experts or serve as a resource to people who may not have access to an expert.

9 Group Decision Support System and Computer- Supported collaborative work system
Group Decision Support System are intended to bring a group together to solve a problem with the help of various supports such as polling , questionnaries , and scenario creation.

10 Computer- Supported collaborative work system
which might includes software support called groupware for team collaboration via networked computers.

11 Role of systems analyst
The system analyst systematically assess how user interact with technology and businesses function by examining the inputting and processing of data and the outputting of information with the intent of improving organizational processes. The system analyst must be able to work with people of all descriptions and be experienced in working with computer

12 System analyst’s work Systems analyst as consultant
Systems analyst as supporting expert Systems analyst as agent of change

13 System Development Life cycle

14 System Development Life cycle
Identifying problems opportunities and objective:- in this stage the analyst look honestly at what is occurring in a business. opportunities are the situations that the analyst believes can be improved through the use of computerized information system. Activities present in this stage consists of interviewing user management, summarizing the knowledge obtained , estimating the scope of the project etc.

15 Determining human information requirement:-
analyst will use interactive methods such as interviewing , sampling , and investigating hard data Analyzing system needs :-

16 Designing the recommended system:-
in this phase the analyst uses the information collected earlier to accomplish the logical design the information system. Developing and documenting software:- the analyst work with programmers to develop original software that is needed in this phase it will develop effective documentation for software procedure manual , FAQs

17 Testing and maintaining the system:-
Before the software is used it must be tested . Testing is completed by the programmer alone or it is tested by the analyst person or some software such as WINRUNNER are used to test the system

18 Implementing and evaluating the system
This is the last phase in the system development in this phase

19 Traditional Vs CASE Tools

20 CASE Tools Since from the 1990s , analyst have begun to benefit from the productivity tools called computer-Aided Software Engineering CASE) tools , that have been created explicitly to improve their routine work through the use of automated tools.

21 Reasons for Using CASE Tools
Increase Analyst Productivity Visible Analyst(VA) is case tool which allow the analyst to do graphical planning , analysis and design in order to build complex application and database. VA allows its users to draw and modify diagrams easily. Improve Analyst –User Communication Excellent communication should be present throughot the system development life cycle is essential

22 Reasons for Using CASE Tools
Integrating life cycle Activities:- Integrating various activities and providing continuity from one phase to another throughout the life cycle Accurately Assessing Maintenance Changes Enable users to analyze and assess the impact of maintenance changes

23 UPPER CASE TOOLS Upper CASE tool allows the analyst to create and modify the system design. The information stored in an encyclopedia called the CASE repository. Upper CASE tools can also help support the modeling of an organizations functional requirements

24 LOWER CASE TOOLS Lower CASE Tools are use to generate computer source code. The system can be produced more quicky than by writing computer programs. The amount of time spent on maintenance decreases with code generation , there is no need to modify , test and debug computer program.

25 Code can be generated in more than one language.
Generated code is free of computer program errors.

26 Interviewing Before you take interview someone else, you must in effect interview yourself. An information gathering interview is a directed conversation with a specific question and answer format.

27 Five Steps in Interview Preparation
Read Background Material:- Read and understand as much background information about the interviewees and their organization as possible Establish Interviewing Objectives:- Establish an objective with the help of the details / information gathered earlier

28 Decide Whom to Interview Prepare the Interviewee
Decide on Question Types and Structure. What are the questions to be asked? What should be the sequence? On which questions stress/emphasis is to be laid more, etc.

29 Question types Three Types Open ended questions Close ended questions

30 Open ended questions These are generally long and descriptive
They involve the view and opinion of the individual. The answers to the same question are of varied type Eg. What are the critical objectives of your department? What are some of the common data entry errors made in this dept.

31 Benefits & Drawbacks Benefits Drawback Providing richness of details
Allowing the individual to think and explore the system Putting the interviewee at ease Allowing more spontaneity Drawback The answers may provide to much irrelevant details The interview may lose its line and aim

32 Probes Probe: means follow up the facts or investigate
They help to get more detailed responses Hey may be open ended or close ended In open ended when the opinion is not appealing, then it may me probed. In close ended if you answer is something different from the one expected by the analyst or for the benefit of the system, you may be probed.

33 Joint Application Design
It was develop by IBM The motivatio for using JAD is to cut the time required by the personal interviews To improve the quality of the results of information system. JAD includes a verity of participants such as analyst , users, executives and so on - who will contribute differing backgrounds and the slikks to the sessions.

34 JAD Sessions are conducted offsite away from the organization.
Benefits Time saving over traditional one – on one interview To improve the ownershi of the information system JAD session give the creative development of the designs

35 Drawbacks JAD requires the commitment of a large
blocks of thim from all the participants. If preparation for the JAD session is inadequate in any regards then the resulting designs will be less satisfactory.

36 Questionnaires The use of Questionnaires is an information gathering technique that allows systems analysts to study attitudes , beliefs behaviuor and characteristics of several keys. It seem to be a quick way to gather massive amounts of data about how users assess the current system

37 Questionnaires Writing a question Types of Questions
For the analyst question must be transparently clear The flow of the questionnaire cogent Types of Questions Open Ended Question Closed Ended Question Choice of the word

38 Open Ended Question What are the most frequently problems you experience with computer output? Of the problems you listed abouve , what is the single most troublesome ?

39 Closed Ended Question How long have you work for this company ?
In what other industries have you worked? Answer question by checking the appropriate box Answer question by circling the appropriate number.
























































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