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EDT321EDT321 1 EDT321 - Research Project Research Project Team Research Project on Discussion Board.

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1 EDT321EDT321 1 EDT321 - Research Project Research Project Team Research Project on Discussion Board

2 EDT321EDT321 2 EDT321 - Research Project Four Topics  Copyright for Students  Computer and Online Security  Emerging Technologies  Assistive and Adaptive Technologies All topics are tested on the final exam!

3 EDT321EDT321 3 EDT321 - Research Project Research Groups  Four teams  Answer 3 research questions on the BlackBoard Discussion Forum available under Group Pages in “Communication” button– 10 points  Post Team summary on BlackBoard Discussion Forum available under Group Pages in “Communication” button– 10 points

4 EDT321EDT321 4 EDT321 - Research Project Copyright for Students  Define copyright, and explain what works are protected by copyright, and how long a copyright lasts.  What are the copyright rules for college students?  Describe the copyright problem that involved NAPSTER. What was the resolution of the problem?  Define plagiarism, how is it discovered and punished?  Describe how copyright, fair use and plagiarism laws affect the Internet.

5 EDT321EDT321 5 EDT321 - Research Project Computer and Online Security  List and describe common types of computer viruses, how computer viruses spread, and the damage they can cause.  Describe some strategies for combating or preventing computer viruses.  Explain why passwords are important. What are some suggestions for creating passwords?  How do businesses make it safe to shop online?  What does a computer hacker do? Is this activity beneficial to society in any way?

6 EDT321EDT321 6 EDT321 - Research Project Emerging Technologies  Define Emerging technology. Where do emerging technologies come from?  Name and describe at least three common technologies in use today that were considered to be emerging technologies one to three years ago?  Identify and describe at least three new technologies that might impact our lives in three to five years.  Define artificial intelligence and describe ways that artificial intelligence is being used or might be used in the future.  Describe e-learning and discuss ways it is being used in schools and business today.

7 EDT321EDT321 7 EDT321 - Research Project Assistive and Adaptive Technologies  Define, compare, and contrast adaptive technology and assistive technology.  Describe adaptive/assistive technologies in use today for people with vision, hearing, and physical disabilities.  What benefits do users gain from adaptive/assistive technology?  Are schools required to provide adaptive/assistive technology for students? Describe the adaptive/assistive technology available at ASU.  List and describe some adaptive/assistive technology products that are available to help people use computers.

8 EDT321EDT321 8 EDT321 - Research Project Research Timeline  Your topic will be assigned by your instructor  Discuss about summary with your team members  The list of your team member will be available under Group pages in the Communication button  Begin research today  All individual postings and summary is due Session 7 (06/14/06)

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