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Make Your Own MASSI Alicia Saunders, M.A.. Materials Needed: Make-Your-Own MASSI template Instructional Families Element Cards Recommended: Completing.

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Presentation on theme: "Make Your Own MASSI Alicia Saunders, M.A.. Materials Needed: Make-Your-Own MASSI template Instructional Families Element Cards Recommended: Completing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make Your Own MASSI Alicia Saunders, M.A.

2 Materials Needed: Make-Your-Own MASSI template Instructional Families Element Cards Recommended: Completing Graduated Understandings Modules prior to viewing this webinar

3 Steps for Making Your Own MASSI 1.Identify the standard and topic 2.Create grade-aligned MASSI objectives 3.Determine Essential Understanding 4.Incorporate real-world application 5.Use a story-based lesson approach 6.Develop a task analysis 7.Utilize research-based strategies 8.Incorporate technology, instructional supports, and scaffolds 9.Develop data collection method 10.Plan for generalization and maintenance


5 1. Identify the standard and topic Select the domain and standard – Data Analysis – Geometry – Measurement and Data – Numbers and Operations – Patterns, Relations, and Functions Use the Instructional Families or select CCC’s that are related Recommend selecting related CCCs that span across multiple grades in a grade band

6 Instructional Family

7 Related CCCs

8 Use Resources to Understand the Standards Content Modules Curriculum Resource Guides Collaborate with General Education Math Teacher – Ideas on how to teach – Ideas for real-life activities – May have lessons that simply need adapting – May lead to inclusive educational opportunities Internet Math Unpacking Documents -core-tools/#unmath

9 2. Create Grade-Aligned MASSI objectives CCCs can cover a lot of content Hone in on one particular component of CCC or specifically state what student will be expected to do

10 3. Determine Essential Understanding Two approaches: 1. Pull the Element Cards and locate EUs 2.Consult with a general education mathematics teacher and determine the “big idea” of the concept

11 Sample Element Card

12 4. Incorporate real-world application How can this be used in real-life situations? Theme: – Creates a purpose for the lesson objectives – Provides context to the students – Create connections to real-world activity or personal experiences Collaboration with General Education Mathematics Teacher Look in General Education Curricula Search the Internet

13 5. Use a story-based lesson approach Guidelines for math story: – Short – Simple – Include facts (preferably in order they will be placed in graphic organizer) – End with problem students will solve – Incorporate students’ names, favorite places, things, activities – Adapt with picture symbols as needed

14 Sample Story Problem Super Subs! Sub SandwichesFree Cookie Jones Family36 Goldman Family48 Hirsh Family24 Likely to have more than one story problem in a lesson – Essential understanding – Grade-aligned skills Opportunity to make the link and increase engagement! Super Subs is having a promotion. If you buy some subs you get some free cookies. The Jones family bought 3 sub sandwiches and got 6 free cookies. The Goldman family bought 4 sub sandwiches and got 8 free cookies. The Hirsh Family got 2 sub sandwiches and got 4 free cookies. What is the proportional relationship between sub sandwiches and free cookies?

15 6. Develop a task analysis How will students solve the problem step-by- step? Try the problem out and write down each step needed to solve the problem. Have someone test it out! Considerations for students with SCD: – Does the skill need to be broken down further? – Essential Understandings – Multiple opportunities for practice

16 7. Utilize research-based instructional strategies Element Card Instructional Resource Guide Which strategies will you incorporate? – Constant Time Delay (CTD) – System of Least Prompts/ Least Intrusive Prompts (LIP) – Model, Lead, Test – Example/Non-example Training

17 8. Incorporate supports and scaffolds Instructional technology (e.g., interactive whiteboard, SMART Board, iPad) Assistive technology Graphic organizers Manipulatives – Concrete (counters, tiling squares, Unifix cubes, Cuisenaire rods, etc.) – Virtual National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Glencoe Math Playground Math Manipulatives Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) –

18 9. Develop data collection method Collect data on steps performed independently correct on task analysis (TA) # of steps performed independently correct x 100 = % correct total # of steps in TA Establish a mastery criterion for each section (in previous MASSIs >50% to move forward) Decide how many days to teach MASSI or set a mastery criteria for the entire lesson

19 10. Plan for Generalization and Maintenance Within materials – Vary problems and numbers daily – Use different manipulatives – Create worksheets/reproducibles/tasks for students to continue to practice skills Across settings – Inclusion math classroom – MASSI Culminating Activity

20 Data-based decision making If student meets criteria, move to next MASSI If student is not meeting criteria, consider… – Breaking down the steps of the TA, especially if a student is getting stuck on one step – Improving motivation/increasing frequency of reinforcement/using higher preference reinforcers – Tighten prompting: be very consistent in the delivery of the prompting hierarchy (e.g., give instructional cue + wait designated amount of time, then specific verbal prompt, model, physical prompt) – Trying different instructional strategy to teach skill – Adding additional supports and scaffolds

21 Performance Examples Performance examples in the CR Guides Similar to the Alternate Assessment questions Check and see if any relate to your topic or Work backwards and create MASSIs that teach how to solve some of the performance examples

22 10-Step Process for MYO MASSI 1.Identify the standard and topic 2.Create grade-aligned MASSI objectives 3.Determine Essential Understanding 4.Incorporate real-world application 5.Use a story-based lesson approach 6.Develop a task analysis 7.Utilize research-based strategies 8.Incorporate technology, instructional supports, and scaffolds 9.Develop data collection method 10.Plan for generalization and maintenance

23 Screenshots










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