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Water Power By: Andrew Paulshock.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Power By: Andrew Paulshock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Power By: Andrew Paulshock

2 How it works Hydropower uses flowing water to create energy that can be captured and turned into electricity. Hydropower provides the largest source of renewable energy in the United States

3 Where its being used now
Hydroelectric power is being used largely in North America , also in Europe

4 Cost There is high investment costs.
There is also the cost of building the plant.

5 Environmental concerns
Hydrology dependent In some cases, inundation of land and wildlife habitat In some cases, loss or modification of fish habitat Fish entrainment or passage restriction In some cases, changes in reservoir and stream water quality In some cases, displacement of local populations

6 Why is it not being used more
It is not being used more because it is hydro dependent. You need to be near a stream or river.

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