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Brandon Inscore Crime Analysis Supervisor Greensboro Police Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Brandon Inscore Crime Analysis Supervisor Greensboro Police Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brandon Inscore Crime Analysis Supervisor Greensboro Police Department

2  Zero in on effectiveness as the primary concern.  Be proactive.  Be committed to systematic inquiry as a first step in solving substantive problems.  Encourage the use of rigorous methods in making inquiries  Make full use of the data in police files and the experience of police personnel.  Group like incidents together so that they can be addressed as a common problem.  Avoid using overly broad labels in grouping incidents so separate problems can be identified.  Acknowledge the limits of the criminal justice system as a response to problems.  Take risks

3  Neighborhood Oriented Policing is: ◦ Geographic ownership of smaller territories for patrol officers within four patrol divisions. ◦ Data driven staffing and division realignment ◦ Focus on neighborhood commitment and problem solving (entire agency)  Synthesis of two projects ◦ Staffing Study ◦ Problem Oriented Policing – Stratified Model grant

4  Use problem solving and community engagement when delivering police services.  Establish ownership of patrol areas by patrol officers.  Public safety is the job of all City Departments.  Use accurate information for making decisions.  Build interagency multidisciplinary partnerships

5 Phase 1: Phase 2: CrimeView Desktop Phase 3: CrimeView Dashboard Phase 4: The Future - NearMe

6  Web based software that enables everyone in the agency to: ◦ Bring in a lot of different pieces of info into one place ◦ Access to the same information ◦ See information Specific to your assignment ◦ Scan to identify trends and patterns ◦ Analyze the problems ◦ Respond and collaborate on immediate, short-term, and long-term problems ◦ Assess the response ◦ Be Accountable ◦ De-conflict

7 Report Management System Computer Aided Dispatch IncidentsCitationsArrests Field Contacts Calls for Service Any Other Data Sets Sex Offenders Probation Electronic Monitors Omega’s Automated Import Process

8  Multiple profiles, with additional capacity remaining  Converts data into vendor’s format, calculates advanced time analysis fields, and much more…  9 Step Geocoding Process  Populates Data Warehouse  Multiple Daily Updates ◦ Includes adding new events, updating records that change, and removing duplicates










18  Implementation time  Identifying which fields to bring over and what queries you really need  Data clean-up (data and processes)  Periodic changes in source data  Rolling out software to over 700 people – training/administration/support  It can’t do everything. It’s a dashboard and it isn’t supposed to.  Avoid it becoming just another thing for officers……

19  Integration with re-organization has been and will continue to be critical to the success of the implementation  Agency is becoming more map centric  Improved allocation of resources and decision making – being in the right place at the right time  Move from reactive to proactive  Increased capacity


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