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Autonomous and Intelligent Healthcare System (SYSIASS) Activity 2 Progress June 2011 Part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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Presentation on theme: "Autonomous and Intelligent Healthcare System (SYSIASS) Activity 2 Progress June 2011 Part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autonomous and Intelligent Healthcare System (SYSIASS) Activity 2 Progress June 2011 Part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

2 Reminder of Activity 2 priorities Technology to address issues preventing remote healthcare Two major strands  FSS: Utilise wireless communications technology via Frequency Selective Surfaces  ICmetrics: Secure data via encryption based directly on system properties

3 Sub actions

4 Current Progress Sub-action 1 commenced. ICmetrics Collaborative visit Essex-Kent-ISEN 13/6/11 Paper submitted to EST 2011:Security Infrastructure for Autonomous and Intelligent Healthcare System FSS General principles established One invited publication to date

5 ICmetric Encryption Encryption message cipher Key Conventional encryption system Encryption message cipher Key Key Generator ICmetric ICmetric encryption system

6 Advantages No reference/template storage “No back door” : Another ICmetric sample required or break cipher System compromise does not compromise associated systems Circuit or software tampering (e.g. malware) implicitly prevented as ICmetric modified No encryption key storage

7 Goals for this action Student Welfare Presentation – Department of ElectronicsPage 7 Development of hardware and software instrumentation for feature collection Building an experimental platform for identification of candidate features Analysis of measured feature data Encryption key generation from normalised feature data Developing evaluation and calibration platform

8 Calibration Phase (applied once only per application domain) For each sample circuit: record a set of desired measurements associated with the circuit known generically as features. Generate feature distributions for each feature tabulating the frequency of each occurrence of each discrete value within the given value scale for each sample circuit. Normalise the feature distributions generating normalisation maps for each feature.

9 Operation Phase (applied each time an encryption key is desired for a given circuit) Measure features for the given circuit for which an encryption key is desired. Apply the normalisation maps to generate values suitable for key generation. Apply the key generation algorithm.

10 Unseen Devices Assumptions:-  Distribution clusters identified in calibration sets  Behaviours of unseen circuits combinations of behaviours of seen circuits Analogy:  Can read someone’s handwriting if unseen previously but not if they write using different letter set such as Greek or Arabic

11 Multi-Cluster Distributions present

12 Unseen Devices No of SamplesPercentage Accuracy 555.6% 1058% 3062% 5067.6% 7074% 10079.6% 20080.6% 30081% 40082.6% 50084.6% 60087% 70089.6% 80091% 100092.6%


14 Summary Ability to employ ICmetrics in medical environments has potential  Need to employ on unseen circuits essential  The ability to offer secure communications with no template or key storage Offering  Generalised use of wireless technology  Up-to-minute medical data at point of use  Addressing security concerns

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