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The Functions of DNA. 1. DNA has to replicate itself How does it make an exact copy?

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1 The Functions of DNA

2 1. DNA has to replicate itself How does it make an exact copy?

3 DNA is made up of two complementary strands

4 DNA replication First the strands “unzip” at certain spots

5 Enzyme helicase unzips DNA

6 Then complementary bases pair up along each strand

7 Enzyme DNA polymerase adds complementary nucleotides to each strand

8 Semi-conservative replication Now two identical molecules of DNA exist where there was one before Each molecule contains one strand of the original DNA

9 When does DNA replication occur? Every time a cell divides--so that each cell will have all the instructions needed to produce proteins to do the cellular work

10 Cells divide to: 1.Repair worn or damaged cells

11 Cells divide to: 2. grow We each started as a single cell but once grown we have 100 trillion cells

12 Cells divide to: Reproduce! In asexual reproduction of single celled organisms, a new organism is created by simply dividing in two So the organism must replicate its DNA and its organelles as well in order to end up with two exactly identical cells

13 Cell division is also part of sexual reproduction Although it’s a more complicated form of cell division, DNA replicates in order to form egg and sperm cells

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