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আসছালামুয়ালাইকুম আমার ডিজিটাল ক্লাশ রুমে সবাইকে স্বাগতম.

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Presentation on theme: "আসছালামুয়ালাইকুম আমার ডিজিটাল ক্লাশ রুমে সবাইকে স্বাগতম."— Presentation transcript:

1 আসছালামুয়ালাইকুম আমার ডিজিটাল ক্লাশ রুমে সবাইকে স্বাগতম

2 Presented by Bulbul Ahmad Instructor(Electrical) Parbatipur Technical School & College Parbatipur,Dinajpur. Mobile:- 01718170556 Email:- This content for Class Nine SSC (Vocational),Trade-1

3 Review last session: Last session we practise how to make an electrical parallel circuit. Question  What is parallel circuit?  What is the current of all load in a parallel circuit?  What is voltage of all the load in parallel circuit?

4 Ammeter Voltmeter

5 Digital Multumeter Voltage measuerment

6 Measure voltage and current of a parallel circuit আমাদের আজকের বিষয়

7 Today’s learning outcomes: Slect and collect of tools and equipments according to job requirements. Explain about safe work practices and wearing process PPE as required for the work perform. After this class the learner will be able to Draw circuit diagram. Measure the Current and Voltage

8 Parallel circuit - A closed circuit in which the current divides into two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit. Parallel circuit Parallel connection of electric bulb

9 Tools and equipmentsDescription Hand globes: Hand globes are a safety devise that protect our hand Safety shows: It protect our leg from electrical shock Apron: Apron is a safety device that use to protect our body

10 Tools and equipmentsDescription Voltmeter: - Voltmeter is an electrical device that use to measure Volt. Voltmeter always connects to parallel. Ammeter: - Ammeter is an electrical device that use to measure current. Ammeter always connect series Combination Pliers: Combination plier. It is use for cutting, open and close small screw.

11 Tools and equipmentsDescription Neon tester: Neon tester is electrical devise that indicate present electric current. Wire strippers: Wire strippers use to remove insulation from Wire Cutting player: Cutting Player is a electrical hand tools that use to cut Wire

12 Tools and equipmentsDescription Insulation Tape: Insulation tape use to insulate wire joint Electrical wire: Electrical wire connect all the load to the supply. Pendent Holder: Pendent holder use to hold and connect electrical bulb

13 Tools and equipmentsDescription Electrical lamp: Electrical lamp transform electrical energy to light energy. Switch: Switch is a control devise that control load current from supply. Electrician knife: Electrician knife use to various type of electrical work its handle are well insulated

14 Tools and equipmentsDescription Two pin plug: Two pin plug connect circuit to the source. Extension socket : Extension socket for power Extension

15 প্রথমে সম্পূর্ন কাজ টি নিজে করে ছাত্রছাত্রীদের কে দেখাবো তারপর ছোট ছোট গ্রুপে ভাগ করে কাজটি করতে দিব

16 Feedbackk Direct observation Student have done the work according to standerd Oral test  What is voltmeter?  What is ammeter?  How you will connect voltmeter to circuit?  How you will connect Ammeter to circuit?

17 Home work সকল ছাত্রছত্রী প্রয়োজনীয় চিত্র সহ সম্পূর্ন কাজের প্রকৃয়া টি এ ফোর সাইজের কাগজে, চার দিকে ১ ইঞ্চি বডার দিয়ে সুন্দর করে লিখে

18 Next Class Next lesson we will learn about how to measure power of an electrical circuit by electrical measuring instruments


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