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TASHKENT MEDICAL of Academy CHAIR: communal hygiene and health at work SUBJECT: Communal Hygiene Practical skills on the topic : EVALUATION OF LABORATORY.

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Presentation on theme: "TASHKENT MEDICAL of Academy CHAIR: communal hygiene and health at work SUBJECT: Communal Hygiene Practical skills on the topic : EVALUATION OF LABORATORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 TASHKENT MEDICAL of Academy CHAIR: communal hygiene and health at work SUBJECT: Communal Hygiene Practical skills on the topic : EVALUATION OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF DRINKING WATER

2 The Aim:  This skill is a mandatory part of the work CSSES physician in monitoring the quality of water supply

3 To assess the quality of water, :  Minutes of the laboratory analysis of water  GOST 950-2000  List of chemicals MPC for water

4 The algorithm steps  Evaluation of correctness of the passport of the Protocol, timely delivery of samples for analysis and the condition of its packaging

5 2 Rate completeness studies (for a complete analysis of water) and compliance with the water requirements of GOST-2000, organoleptic characteristics and chemical parameters affecting the organoleptic properties of water  The smell, color, turbidity  - PH, dry residue, total hardness  - The chlorides, sulfates, iron, manganese, copper



8 3 Evaluation of conformity MPCs toxicological indicators  DETECTS need for studies of toxic substances (as part of the rating for the type of analysis, abbreviations common, especially toxic)  -sravnit concentration of the substances studied with the values ​​ of the MPC in accordance with GOST 950-2000, or on the list of MAC

9 4-evaluate the microbiological parameters:  Identify the type of analysis (common to, special virological or parasitological)  Rate microbiological criteria in accordance with GOST 950-2000

10 5- assess compliance with GOST 950-2000 indicators of contamination (if conducted radiometric analysis of water)

11 6 to give an opinion on the conformity drinking water GOST 950-2000  «Drinking water "

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