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Biodiversity Notes Environmental Science Swenson.

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1 Biodiversity Notes Environmental Science Swenson

2 Biodiversity Short for Biological Diversity –What does this mean?

3 Species diversity number of species in a given area. An island with 2 bird species and 1 lizard species is more diverse than an island with 3 bird species.

4 Genetic diversity Variations of genes within a species. Lots of distinct populations within a species (lots of varieties of rice in India--all from same species) OR Genetic Variation within the population as a whole (high in Indian rhinos, low in cheetahs)

5 Ecosystem diversity Variety of ecosystems within an area. Very hard to measure due to overlapping boundary areas also called ecotones.

6 Five Threats of Biodiversity Habitat destruction/fragmentation Invasive species Population growth Pollution Over consumption

7 Habitat Destruction Changing a habitat to suit human needs…for housing, farming, etc. This displaces animals. As the human population grows, so does habitat destruction!

8 Fragmentation Breaking up large habitats into smaller habitats. Creates an “edge” habitat where “inner” habitat used to be. Some plants and animals cannot adapt to these changes.

9 Introduce  Introduced species Flying Carp Zebra Mussel Asian Beetle

10 Population growth  OF HUMANS! Often relates to habitat loss and overconsumption but also exploitation of resources and contributing pollution

11 Population expected to reach 8 billion by 2020

12 Pollution egs oGlobal Climate Change--many species are intolerant to changes in temperature-- affects feeding relationships and breeding patterns. oAcid rain/Air pollution-these types of issues do not respect borders. US acid rain fell in Canada destroying sugar maple forests which upset the amount/quality of maple syrup produced.

13 Water Pollution Land Pollution Air Pollution

14 Overconsumption  Industrialized nations make up 25% of the world’s population, but use 75% of its resources.  US makes up only 5% of world’s pop--causes 33% of world’s pollution!


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