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Members’ rights and obligations at the Members' Assembly.

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1 Members’ rights and obligations at the Members' Assembly

2 Jeju 2012 In this presentation The Members’ Assembly Delegations - Accreditation Voting rights - Speaking rights Voting on Motions Nominations Elections Sponsored delegates Voting results and records

3 Jeju 2012 Voting Statistics At the Barcelona Congress, in 2008:  978 Members could potentially vote  593 were accredited to vote  On average, each motion was voted by 282 Members  274 Members sponsored or co-sponsored motions.  138 motions were discussed - 136 were adopted.

4 Jeju 2012 Voting Statistics “36. Any decision of the World Congress taken in circumstances where: (a)fewer than half of the total votes in either Category A or B were represented at that session of the World Congress, or (b)the matter was not on the agenda distributed to Members before the World Congress, shall be subject to confirmation by mail ballot if, not later than ninety days after the distribution of the decisions of the World Congress, so requested by a minimum of forty Members eligible to vote from at least three Regions. Pending such confirmation the decision of the World Congress shall be suspended.” (IUCN Statutes, Article 36)

5 Jeju 2012 Voting Statistics Potential voting power Actual voting power Total n° votes 31.95%50.36% Total n° votes Cat. A (Gov) 30.58%60.29% Total n° votes Cat. B (NGO) 32.59%49.69% Motion with the highest number of votes in Barcelona:

6 Jeju 2012 Voting Statistics “The relatively low rates of participation and high levels of abstentions in the voting processes represent a concern for the democratic health of the Union.” ( Evaluation of the Barcelona World Conservation Congress)

7 Jeju 2012 Why such a low rate of participation? What can be done?  Perceived lack of relevance of the Members' Assembly  Lack of interest by the Members  Lack of understanding of the motions and voting processes  Absence from the plenary room.  The Forum must serve to better inform the Assembly  Revision of the motion process  Governance reforms proposed by Council  Members to be encouraged to pay their dues  If unable to attend, encourage Members to vote by proxy  Strict rules for sponsored delegates  Improved information and training

8 Jeju 2012 What is the Members' Assembly?

9 Jeju 2012 What is the Members' Assembly?  IUCN’s highest level decision-making body of IUCN o Motions o IUCN Programme o Financial Plan o Dues of Members o Number of Commissions and their mandates o Elections: President, Treasurer, Regional Councillors and Chairs of Commissions.

10 Jeju 2012 Delegations

11 Jeju 2012 Delegations  Member delegations  Observer delegations  Credentials o The names of the delegation’s members o The name of the Head of delegation. Important Member need to have paid their dues up to and including 2011 in full to be accredited to vote and speak Credentials to be submitted before the opening of the Assembly (Rules of Procedure, Rule 12) Only the Heads of accredited delegations will receive voting/speaking cards and ballot papers

12 Jeju 2012 Voting rights

13 Jeju 2012 Voting rights Members in category A  States: 3 votes / 2 votes (1 vote => government agencies)  Government agencies: 1 shared vote Members in category B  International NGO Members: 2 votes  NGO Members: 1 vote Members in category C – Affiliates  No voting rights  Have speaking rights Give proxy to another Member if you cannot attend the Members' Assembly The Membership Unit will contact the Government Agencies sharing 1 vote to make arrangements ahead of Congress.

14 Jeju 2012 Voting on motions

15 Jeju 2012 What is a motion?  A draft of any decision which the World Conservation Congress is requested to take.  Motions become Resolutions or Recommendation  Resolutions are directed to IUCN itself. Recommendations are directed to third parties, and may deal with any matter of importance to the objectives of IUCN.  Adopted by a simple majority of votes cast in each Category  Quorum? Majority requirement?

16 Jeju 2012  Need to be consistent with the objectives of IUCN  Must relate to new issues or a new aspect of issues addressed at previous congresses  The main sponsor and co-sponsors must be in good standing (dues paid up to and including 2011)  The motion must be supported by at least 5 co- sponsors  Motions must be submitted before 8 May 2012  Motions may also be submitted at the Congress if the subject is new, urgent, could not have been foreseen, arises out of the deliberations at the Congress, or responds to matters of the agenda Submit motions before Congress

17 Jeju 2012  Established by Council in November 2010  Composed of: Zuleika Pinzón (Chair), Ali Darwish, Brahim Haddane, Brendan Mackey, Grace Mwaura, Mahfuz Ullah, Robin Yarrow, Jon Paul Rodriguez  Terms of Reference: o Establish procedures and principles o Ensure that the statutory requirements are applied o Advise sponsors of motions to revise, amend or withdraw a draft motion o Prepare motions for tabling at Congress o Facilitate discussion between Members on motions in advance of the Congress Resolutions Working Group

18 Jeju 2012 Issues that need to be addressed in the motions process: 1.Lack of written procedure 2.Large number of motions – limited time to discuss them 3.Scope (national, regional and local) 4.Perceived lack of transparency in the processing of motions 5.Unclear relationship between the motions and the draft Programme 6.Unclear relationship between the motions process and the Forum 7.Lack of legitimacy – low voting rates 8.Motions from Council – need for better procedure 9.Motions submitted at the Congress - limited time for consultation 10.Motions on issues where IUCN acts as technical advisor 11.Duplication IMPROVING THE MOTIONS PROCESS

19 Jeju 2012 Dates and Deadlines Opening of the electronic forum for discussion on motions: December 2011 (tbc) Opening of the submission of motions: 15 February 2012 Deadline for submitting motions: 8 May 2012 Publication and dissemination of motions: 7 July 2012 CONTACT DETAILS Constanza Martinez

20 Jeju 2012 Nomination of candidates and elections

21 Jeju 2012 Nominations The President and the Treasurer:  Nominations made by the Council to the Members' Assembly  Not more than two nominations for President and for Treasurer made by the Council after considering the proposals made by Members  After the candidates proposed by Council are known: nominations may also be made by forty Members eligible to vote o from at least three Regions o not less than sixty days prior to the opening of the Assembly

22 Jeju 2012 Nominations Chairs of the Commissions:  Nomination made by the Council to the Members' Assembly  After considering proposals made o by IUCN Members o by members of the Commissions

23 Jeju 2012 Nominations For the election of the Regional Councillors:  Nominations made by Members to the Election Officer  Nominations by o Five members eligible to vote o From more than one State  Candidates for election o Must be nationals of a State in the Region concerned o Must be a resident in that Region o Must not have held the same office consecutively for two full terms

24 Jeju 2012 Deadlines for nominations  12 August 2011 Call for nominations sent to Members by the Secretariat (Statutory deadline)  16 January 2012 Deadline for Members to send the nominations for Regional Councillors and Commission Chairs  7 July 2012 Deadline for additional nominations from Members for President

25 Jeju 2012 Sponsored Delegates

26 Jeju 2012 What is the IUCN Sponsored Delegates Programme? Objective To increase attendance to the Members’ Assembly from Members in countries with low and middle income economies. Funding  Government of Republic of Korea has agreed to support the participation of 470 delegates (cash and in-kind): o For 300 delegates, accommodation and per diem or meals will be provided (half in kind and half in cash). o For 170 delegates, travel will also be sponsored in addition to per diem or meals (half will be provided in kind and half in cash).  Additional funding is being sought by the Secretariat

27 Jeju 2012 Selection criteria Delegates from Member organizations / institutions that:  have paid their dues up to and including 2011 by 31 October  are based in countries with low and middle income economies according to the World Bank list of economies  1 delegate per Member organisation/institution  Gender balance as well as country/regional balance will also be taken into account

28 Jeju 2012 Level of assistance provided Provided sufficient funds are available:  Free registration to the World Conservation Congress (Forum and Assembly)  Travel from the country of residence to Jeju  Accommodation for the duration of the World Conservation Congress  Local transportation in Jeju  Per-diem and / or meals for the duration of the stay in Jeju  Travel insurance  Carbon offsetting

29 Jeju 2012 Responsibilities of the Sponsored Delegate  Reporting after Congress  Participation in the Forum  Attendance at the Members’ Assembly  Voting in person during the Members’ Assembly – No proxy vote

30 Jeju 2012 Voting results and records

31 Jeju 2012 Voting results  Motions: the results are projected on the screen during the Assembly session. Voted this motion: = approx 30-40 Members in Category A = approx. 100-120 Members in Category B Reminder: Potential voting power= 978 Members Actual voting power = 593 Members

32 Jeju 2012 Voting Records  Each Member can have access to its own voting records  Voting records of other Members not communicated by the Secretariat

33 Jeju 2012 Help and contacts

34 Jeju 2012 Help and contacts Membership Focal Point in your region Membership Unit at Headquarters National and Regional Committees IUCN Regional Councillors

35 Jeju 2012 Membership Unit Thank you! ¡Gracias! Merci! شكرا لك! Kamsa hamnida! 감사합니다

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