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1 Hinduism

2 Introduction to Hinduism
Origins Hinduism was a blend of Aryan and Dravidian (Indus Valley Civ.) religions. The Basics Vedas (“knowledge” in Sanskrit) Religious text Brahma God, all-knowing universal force of the universe. Monotheistic Yet, Brahman takes many forms…

3 Vishnu Preserver of the universe.

4 Shiva Destroyer of the universe.

5 Durga Mother, Warrior.

6 Ganesh Wise and all knowing.

7 Principles of Hinduism
Samsara (Sansar) Cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. Karma The force generated by a person’s actions determines how the person will be reborn into the next life. Moksha The ultimate goal of samsara. “Breaking the cycle,” uniting with Brahman

8 How does one achieve good Karma?
Dharma = Divine law, or “virtuous path.” Make morally sound judgments. Do your social duty. (Castes?) Yoga (“union”) Meditation to become closer to Brahma.

9 Comparing Religions… The outward differences between Hinduism and the religions of the West are obvious. In groups, contemplate the following question… How are the belief system and practices of Hinduism similar to that of Judeo-Christian (“Western”) religions? In groups, come up with at least 3 similarities.

10 Cultural Traditions of Hinduism
Why do women wear dots on their foreheads? Its symbolizes the “third eye,” the one focused inwards towards your atma or soul. I’ve heard that Hindus don’t eat beef. Is that true? Yes. Hindus revere cows for their gentle nature and their life sustaining abilities. Also, cows commonly roam free in India. Much like it would be socially unacceptable to eat a horse or a dog in the United States, so to is it unacceptable to eat a cow in India.

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