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GED Orientation. Ice-breaker What is your name? Where are you from? What do you want to do AFTER your GED? If you had to describe your personality, what.

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Presentation on theme: "GED Orientation. Ice-breaker What is your name? Where are you from? What do you want to do AFTER your GED? If you had to describe your personality, what."— Presentation transcript:

1 GED Orientation

2 Ice-breaker What is your name? Where are you from? What do you want to do AFTER your GED? If you had to describe your personality, what would you say?

3 What subjects are on the GED test? RLA: Reasoning through Language Arts Social Studies Science Math

4 All tests are on the computer

5 How long does it take to complete all four timed tests? Approximately 7 hours GED MODULELENGTH RLA150 minutes Social Studies90 minutes Science90 minutes Math90 minutes

6 RLA Sections (in order)Item TypesOther Notes 25 minutes 45 minutes (Extended Response) 10 minute break 70 minutes Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank Drop Down Drag-and-Drop Extended Response Roughly 51 items

7 Social Studies SectionsItem TypesOther Notes 65 minutes 25 minutes (Extended Response) Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank Drop Down Drag-and-Drop Hot Spot Extended Response Roughly 35 items

8 Science SectionItem TypesOther Notes 90 minutes Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank Drop Down Drag-and-Drop Hot Spot Short Answer Roughly 34 items

9 Math SectionsItem TypesOther Notes 12 minutes Non-calculator 78 minutes Calculator Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank Drag-and-Drop Drop Down Hot Spot Roughly 46 items

10 Extended Responses You will be scored on three different traits: Trait One: Analysis of Arguments and Use of Evidence Trait Two: Development of Ideas and Organizational Structure Trait Three: Clarity and Command of Standard English Conventions

11 Extended Response Scoring Points (Literacy)Points (Social Studies) Trait One 22 Trait Two 21 Trait Three 21 Total64 Final Score (Double-Weighted) 128

12 What score do you need to pass each test? 150 Out of 200

13 What score do you need to obtain GED with Honors? 170

14 How much does the test cost? $120 $30 per test 2 free retakes included!

15 How do I register for the test? GO TO: CREATE an account Study, take practice tests, sign up for the actual test, and more!

16 Where do you go to take the test in Minneapolis? Southside ABE 2225 East Lake Street Testing times every Monday and Wednesday Graduation ceremonies in June and January

17 Where do you go to take the test in St. Paul? Hubbs Center 1030 University Ave W St Paul, MN 55104 (651) 290-4822

18 How long does it take for someone to get his/her GED? It depends…

19 Can you take the tests more than once? YES! 3 times in one year

20 2014 GED ® Test Score Report 20 Score and Performance Data ✔ Demonstrated strengths ✔ Areas for improvement ✔ Specific actions to take ✔ Demonstrated strengths ✔ Areas for improvement ✔ Specific actions to take You will get detailed feedback after you take each test.

21 Recent Graduate "No matter what situations or trials you go through, never give up. This is one of the most exciting feelings I've felt! To get your GED, you have to have a lot of self- motivation. It was a lot harder than high school, but it means a lot more to me because I had to work harder for it. I live to learn and learn to live." DEVONNA

22 Recent Graduate KP "The most important thing I've learned is that giving up is not acceptable. Although it might be hard, persistence is key. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thumbs up! I hope everybody passes the test. Don't give up!"

23 About our program GED+ Open Door GED Classes are designed to not only prepare you to pass your GED, but to give you the tools for the next chapter in your life. Academic Skills Organizational Skills Soft Skills Critical Thinking Skills Inter-personal Skills Digital Literacy Skills

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