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Endangered Species of the United States Ecology 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Species of the United States Ecology 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Species of the United States Ecology 2010

2 Why is this Important? Humans are the Main Cause of animal and plant Extinction Harming an Endangered or Threatened Animal or plants Habitat is Illegal Animal and Plant Conservation is a Major part of Agriculture

3 Endangered vs. Threatened Endangered: A species that is in danger throughout all or a significant portion of its Habitat. Threatened: Species that is likely to become endangered in the Foreseeable Future

4 Other Terms Extinct Species: A species that is no longer living. ex. Dodo Bird Poaching: The Illegal Hunting, Killing, or Capturing of Animals. Native Species: Species that have inhabited a certain geographical Area for a lengthy Period of time. Exotic Species: Introduced to a new Environment by way of Human Activity.

5 FACTS Illinois has 37 threatened or endangered species of plants and animals The Hawaiian Islands have 344 threatened or endangered plants and animals The United States has over 1,000 Endangered and Threatened Species

6 Endangered Species Act Established in 1973 Amended in 1978, 1982, and 1988 Established Laws and Provisions for Endangered Species in the United States and other Countries

7 Making the List Population reduction of 50% in the last 10 years Area occupied is less than 500 Square Km (311 sq Miles) - New York City: 303 Sq Miles Population is estimated at less than 2,500 Mature Individuals and Number is Declining Total Population is less than 250 Mature Individuals Probability of extinction in the wild is at least 20% within 20 years

8 Causes of Endangerment Habitat Destruction Overexploitation Introduction of Exotic Species

9 Habitat Destruction This is the Primary Cause of Species Endangerment Humans are the main cause of rapid habitat loss Fire Destruction and Timber Harvesting Urbanization

10 Overexploitation Species that become endangered due to the rate at which the species is being Used Animal Trading and Illegal Hunting or Poaching

11 Intro. of Exotic Species Exotic Species can disrupt the ecological Balances of a Region Competition for food and Native Animals Become Prey Scenario: –W–What is the Apex Predator in the Area? –W–What Happens if we introduce a new Predator? –W–What Happens if we introduce a New Food Source?

12 The project has 3 components: Research: A bibliography with at least two resources Approved websites include any that end,.net,.gov,.org Do not sites or Wikipedia! You may use, www.nationalgeograph www.nationalgeograph *

13 *PowerPoint including the following information: Picture(s) of animal – atleast 3 The common name and scientific name of the species. A description of the natural habitat and where in the world the animal is found. Include a map for reference. Life history characteristics: diet, size of animal, housing requirements, climate requirements, relationship with other species (Predator/prey), how old are they before they reproduce, how many offspring and how often do they reproduce Group or pack animal? All basic biology and interesting facts. Why this animal is endangered? For example: Over hunting? Habitat destruction? When was it listed as endangered? What is the present-day world-wide population size? How many left? What conservation efforts are underway? What is being done to save the species? Are the efforts working? What organizations exist to promote the preservation of this species? Five question quiz (answers not included on the screen) *A presentation to the class on your findings lasting at least 2 minutes, but not longer than 4 minutes.

14 Last component: Presentation to class

15 Details Cont. What you need in your Project: – Power Point Slide Presentation Needs Slide Transitions and animations – Name of each Animal – Habitat of Each Animal – What each animal eats – If animal is endangered or threatened – State(s) the animal inhabits – Why Animal is endangered (Habitat loss, Hunting..) – Pictures: (2)Animal, Habitat, and (2)Food

16 Group Details Each member is to be assigned either the Reptile, Mammal, or Bird to research Each group presents their Project to the class – Each member presents their section of the Project Each Presentation should be at least 3 Minutes long, but no longer than 5 minutes Be Prepared to Answer Questions about your Species or Vocabulary when your Group is Finished

17 Name of Animal Habitat What They Eat Endangered or threatened State(s) animal inhabits Why Endangered/Threatened Anything Extra Picture of Animal (1)

18 Name of Animal Picture of Animal (2) Picture of Habitat Picture of Food (2) Picture of Food (1)

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