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1 The Effect of Heavy-Tailed Job Size Distributions on System Design Mor Harchol-Balter MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Effect of Heavy-Tailed Job Size Distributions on System Design Mor Harchol-Balter MIT Laboratory for Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Effect of Heavy-Tailed Job Size Distributions on System Design Mor Harchol-Balter MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

2 2 Distribution of job sizes System Design

3 3 CPU Load Balancing in a N.O.W. Problem 1: [Harchol-Balter, Downey --- Sigmetrics ‘96; Transactions on Computer Systems ‘97]

4 4 CPU Load Balancing in a NOW p p p p p host A host D host B p p host C 2 types of migration Non-preemptive migration (NP)Preemptive migration(P) (a.k.a. placement, remote execution)(a.k.a. active process migration) The Problem: Policy Decisions 1. Should we bother with P migration, or is NP enough? 2. Which processes should we migrate? ** migration policy **

5 5 Unix process CPU lifetime measurements [HD96] We measured over 1 million UNIX processes. Instructional, research, and sys. admin. machines. Job of cpu age x has probability 1/2 of using another x. Fraction of jobs with CPU duration > x Duration ( x secs) log-log plot Pr{Life > x } = 1 x

6 6 Compare with exponential distribution Fraction of jobs with size > x

7 7 1/x distribution measured previously by [Leland,Ott86] at Bellcore. [LO86] result rarely referenced and ignored when referenced. WHY? 1) People not convinced lifetime distribution matters. 2) Belief that 1/x distribution is useless in developing migration policy because not analytically tractable. So what?

8 8 Exponential distribution (memoryless) => migrate newborns DFR (decreasing failure rate) distrib. => old jobs live longer May pay to migrate old jobs. Why lifetime distribution matters 70% of our jobs had lifetime <.1s < cost of NP migration => NP not viable without namelists

9 9 How to design a Preemptive Migration policy? CPU Lifetime distribution migrate “older” But how old is old enough? Not obvious: Expected remaining CPU lifetime of every job is infinity! p’s age migration cost (p) # source - # target - 1 > We showed how to use lifetime distribution to derive policy which guarantees that the migrant’s slowdown improves in expectation.

10 10 vs. Non-preemptive Policy NP with optimized name-list Eligibility criterion: process name on name-list For comparison: 2 strategies purposely as simple & similar as possible. Trace-driven simulation comparison Simulated network of 6 hosts. Process start times and durations from real machine traces. 8 experiments, each 1 hour. Ranged from 15,000 - 30,000 jobs. System utilization:.27 -.54. Our Preemptive Policy P Eligibility criterion: age > migration cost #source - #target - 1

11 11 Trace-driven simulation results run number Mean Slowdown No load balancing Non-preemptive policy NP Preemptive policy P NP improvement 20% P improvement 50%

12 12 (assuming NP cost =.3 sec) Mean slowdown as a function of P mean migration cost Mean slowdown P mean migration cost (seconds)

13 13 Question: Why was P more effective than NP ? Answer: P better than NP at detecting long jobs. mean lifetime of migrant in NP is 1.5 - 2.1 secs mean lifetime of migrant in P is 4.5 - 5.7 secs Question: Why does it matter if NP misses migrating a few big jobs? Answer: In 1/x distribution, big jobs have all the CPU. P only migrates 4% of all jobs, but they account for 55% of CPU (“heavy-tailed property”)

14 14 Distribution of job sizes System Design -- DFR (Decreasing Failure Rate) -- Heavy-tailed property

15 15 Task Assignment in a Distributed Server Problem 2: [Harchol-Balter, Crovella, Murta --- Performance Tools ‘98]

16 16 Distributed Servers Load Balancer employs TAP (Task Assignment Policy): rule for assigning jobs to hosts Age-old Question: What’s a good TAP ? L.B. 3 2 4 1 Large # jobs Applications: distributed web servers, database servers, batch computing servers, etc.

17 17 The Model L.B. Large # jobs FCFS Size of job is known. Jobs are not preemptible. Arriving job is immediately queued at a host and remains there. Jobs queued at a host are processed in FCFS order. Motivation for model: Distributed batch computing server for computationally-intensive possibly parallel jobs.

18 18 L.B. 1 3 4 2 Which TAP is best (given model)? 1. Round-Robin 2. Random 3. Size-based scheme (e.g., 30 min queue; 2 hr queue; 4 hr queue) 4. Shortest-Queue Go to queue with fewest jobs 5. Dynamic Go to queue with least work left (work = sum of task sizes) “best” -- minimize mean waiting time

19 19 To answer “Which TAP is best” question, need to understand distribution of task sizes.

20 20 Pareto (heavy-tailed) distribution Properties: Decreasing Failure Rate Infinite variance! Heavy-tail property -- Miniscule fraction (<1%) of the very largest jobs comprise half the load. 1 job size 0   Pr{}Sizexx  , 0 2 : degree of variability 0 ------------ 2 more variable & more heavy-tailed less variable & less heavy-tailed  

21 21 Bkp(,,  ) We assume Bounded Pareto Distribution, fx k kp xkxp() (/),     -   1 1 1 0 k job size p All finite moments Still very high variance Still heavy-tailed property X ~ B( k, p,  ) with fixed mean 3000. p : fixed at 10 10  : ranges between 0 and 2, to show impact of variability k : about 10 3, varies a bit as needed to keep mean constant.

22 22 L.B. 1 3 4 2 Which TAP is best (given model)? 1. Round-Robin 2. Random 3. Size-based scheme (e.g., 30 min queue; 2 hr queue; 4 hr queue) 4. Shortest-Queue Go to queue with fewest jobs 5. Dynamic Go to queue with least work left (work = sum of task sizes) “best” -- minimize mean waiting time

23 23 SITA-E : Size Interval Task Assignment with Equal Load Assign range of task sizes to each host. Task size distribution determines cutoff points so load remains balanced, in expectation. L.B. S L XL M task assignment based on task size. Our Size-Based TAP: SITA-E task size x0x0 x3x3 x2x2 x1x1 x4x4 xfx  ()

24 24 Simulations: Mean Waiting Time Random & RR similar. Under less variability (high  ), Dynamic best. Under high variability (lower  ), SITA-E beats Dynamic by a factor of 100, and beats RR by a factor of 10000.

25 25 Simulations: Mean Queue Length Random & RR similar. Under less variability (high  ), Dynamic best. Under high variability (lower  ), SITA-E beats Dynamic by a factor of 100, and beats RR by a factor of 1000. In SITA-E, queue length = 2-3, always.

26 26 Simulations: Mean Slowdown Random & RR similar. Under less variability (high  ), Dynamic best. Under high variability (lower  ), SITA-E beats Dynamic by a factor of 100, and beats RR by a factor of 10000. In SITA-E, slowdown = 2-3 always.

27 27 WHY?

28 28  EW E X ( - ) {} {} 2 21  Mean Waiting Time: Second moment of Task Size Distribution Recall, P-K formula for M/G/1 queue FCFS

29 29 Analysis of Random and Round-Robin L.B. 3 2 4 1 Random TAP: B(k,p,  ) task size. Poisson arrivals 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 Each host: M / B(k,p,  )/ 1 Round-Robin TAP: Each host: E h / B(k,p,  ) / 1 : Not Much Better. Each host sees same E{X 2 } as incoming distribution.

30 30 Analysis of Distributed Servers with Random, Round-Robin, and Dynamic TAPs  W Random } is directly proportional to  X 2   W Round-Robin } is directly proportional to  X 2  We prove:  W Dynamic } is directly proportional to  X 2  E{X 2 } for B(k,p,  ) distribution

31 31 Analysis of SITA-E We prove SITA-E is fully analyzable under B(k,p,  ) distribution. Closed-form expressions for the x i ’s and p i ’s. Formulas for all performance metrics. L.B. S L XL M p4p4 p3p3 p2p2 p1p1 B(k,p,  ) task size. Poisson arrivals task size x0x0 x3x3 x2x2 x1x1 x4x4 xfx  ()

32 32 3-fold effect of SITA-E 1. Reduced E{X 2 } at lower hosts. In fact, analysis shows for 1<  < 2, coefficient of variation is less than 1 for all hosts but last host. 2. Low numbered hosts count more in mean, because more jobs go there. Intensified by heavy-tailed property. 3. Smaller jobs go to hosts with lower waiting times. => low mean slowdown.

33 33 Analytic Results: Analytically-derived Mean Sowdown (0 <  < 2) Analytically-derived Mean Sowdown (1 <  < 2)

34 34 Reflections “Best” TAP depends on task size distribution. -- What would “best” have been under exponential distribution? Improving the (instantaneous) load balance is not necessarily the best heuristic for improving performance. Important characteristics of task size distribution: very high variance and heavy-tailed property. Additional advantage of SITA-E: Caching benefits

35 35 NEW Generalized Model L.B. Large # jobs FCFS Size of job is known. No a priori knowledge Jobs are not preemptible. Arriving job is immediately queued at a host and remains there. Jobs queued at a host are processed in FCFS order.

36 36 Distribution of job sizes System Design -- Very high variability -- Heavy-tailed property

37 37 The case for SRPT scheduling in Web servers* Problem 3: * in progress... Joint work with: Crovella, Frangioso, Medina, Sengupta

38 38 Theoretical Motivation jobs (load  < 1) How about using SRPT in Web servers as opposed to the traditional processor-sharing (PS) type scheduling ? It’s well known that SRPT minimizes mean flow time.

39 39 Immediate Objections Can’t assume known job size Is there enough of a performance gain? Starvation, starvation, starvation! A real Web server is much more complicated than a single processor

40 40 Immediate Objections Can’t assume known job size Actually, for many servers most requests are for static files. Approximation: Size of job is proportional to size of file requested. Size of file has Pareto ( 1.1 <  < 1.3 ) tail [CTB97]. Is there enough of a performance gain? Analysis of single queue with Poisson arrivals shows, under load  =.9, SRPT mean flowtime is 1/3 of PS. SRPT mean slowdown is 1/10 of PS. Trace-driven simulation results for a single queue are even more dramatic.

41 41 Q: What makes Web workloads special wrt starvation? Web job size distribution --> Bounded Pareto (  = 1). Largest 1% of all tasks account for more than 50% load. In exponential distribution, Largest 1% of all tasks account for 5% total load. A: heavy-tailed property Starvation, starvation, starvation! Analysis of single queue shows starvation under SRPT is a problem for many distributions, however NOT for Web workloads. Even jobs in 99%-tile experience mean slowdown far less than PS. Immediate Objections

42 42 Immediate Objections A real Web server is much more complex than a single processor Many devices -- where to do the scheduling? One job at a time execution model is no longer appropriate. Goal: Develop system that maintains high throughput while maximally favoring small jobs.

43 43 Server Designs for SRPT 1) Coarse approximation to SRPT, familiar programming model. 2 projects Thread-per-request. Thread priority based on size, updatable occasionally. Implemented as a Web server on Solaris. 2) Closer approximation to SRPT, unusual programming model. No longer thread-per-request. Instead, thread-per-queue. Read, write queues managed in SRPT order. Implemented as a Web server on Linux.

44 44 Preliminary Results Mean Response Time as a function of Server Load

45 45 Distribution of job sizes System Design -- Heavy-tailed property

46 46 Talk Conclusions 3 Examples described during this talk: -- Migration policies for N.O.W. -- Task Assignment in distributed servers -- Scheduling in Web servers Distribution of job sizes System Design Practical, common problems in system design Careful modeling of problem to incorporate important details like job size distribution. Analysis, Simulation, Implementation Not afraid to look for surprising solutions My research approach in general:

47 47 L.B. 1 3 4 2 Which TAP is best (given model)? 1. Round-Robin 2. Random 3. Shortest-Queue Go to queue with fewest jobs -- Idea: Equalize number jobs in each queue 4. Dynamic Go to queue with least work left (work = sum of task sizes) -- Idea: Best individual performance. -- Instantaneous load balance 5. Size-based scheme (e.g., 30 min queue; 2 hr queue; 4 hr queue) -- Idea: No “biggies” ahead of you “best” -- minimize mean waiting time, mean queue length, mean slowdown

48 48 Preliminary Results Mean Response Time as a function of Server Load

49 49 L.B. 1 3 4 2 Which TAP is best (given model)? 1. Round-Robin 2. Random 3. Shortest-Queue Go to queue with fewest jobs 4. Dynamic Go to queue with least work left (work = sum of task sizes) 5. Size-based scheme (e.g., 30 min queue; 2 hr queue; 4 hr queue) “best” -- minimize mean waiting time, mean queue length, mean slowdown

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