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Embedded Software SKKU 14 1 Sungkyunkwan University Tizen v2.3 Application Profiling & Debugging.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedded Software SKKU 14 1 Sungkyunkwan University Tizen v2.3 Application Profiling & Debugging."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 1 Sungkyunkwan University Tizen v2.3 Application Profiling & Debugging

2 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 2 Both native application and web application run on Tizen. There are two tools to profile and debug applications. Dynamic Analyzer –Profiling native applications Web Inspector –Profiling web applications Tizen Application Profiling

3 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 3 A tool to profile and debug native applications Provide various templates Dynamic Analyzer

4 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 4 Dynamic Analyzer Layout 1. Timeline chart –Shows data values over time as a chart 2. Snapshot, Call stack –Provides additional information about the data 3. Call trace –Shows the user API calls ① ② ③

5 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 5 Shows data values over time as a chart Dynamic Analyzer: Timeline chart –CPU usage/frequency –Heap allocation Total, App allocated –Process size VSS, RSS, PSS –Memory –File read, write, open fd count –Screenshot –UI event key, touch, gesture, orientation events

6 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 6 Shows user method call stack that occurs during an application execution All threads in the application –Call stack is provided by threads in the application Dynamic Analyzer: Call Trace Source code view –Hovering mouse cursor on the call, you can see original function code, including app and framework.

7 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 7 Snapshot View –Shows current screen, CPU usage, process usage and available memory Dynamic Analyzer: Snapshot & Callstack Callstack View –Callstack of the selected API in call trace view ④ ① ② ③

8 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 8 Display thread and synchronization objects in a tree format using a graph Dynamic Analyzer: Thread Analysis Chart –Yellow bar: API call –Orange area: possession of synchronization object (lock) –Violet arrow: interaction between threads –Grey area: waiting time for the acquiring that synchronization object

9 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 9 Display UI component hierarchy and UI-related function profiling Dynamic Analyzer: UI Analysis Chart 1. Control –UI component hierarchy 2. Scene Transition –Scene transition history during app execution 3. UI Function Profiling –Profiling user-defined UI-related functions 4. Common Features –Additional information in the form of snapshot

10 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 10 Show information associated with file operations Dynamic Analyzer: File Analysis Chart –Green area: file was normally processed –Grey area: file was abnormally processed –Yellow area: file was not closed –Blue line: API has been used –Red line: API has failed –Purple area: read operation –Lime area: write operation

11 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 11 A tool to profile and debug web applications Based on WebKit Web Inspector Composed of following panels Elements Resources Network Sources Timeline Profiles Console Web Inspector

12 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 12 Elements Panel –Analyze web page components such as DOM tree, CSS style Web Inspector Resources Panel –Inspect web page resources such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, images and fonts

13 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 13 Network Panel –Inspect resources downloaded over the network –HTTP header, response, cookies and preview Web Inspector Sources Panel –Inspect and debug JavaScript source page –Callstack, scope variables, breakpoints

14 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 Timeline Panel –Advanced timing and speed analysis –Handles loading, scripting, rendering and painting events Web Inspector

15 Embedded Software Lab. @ SKKU 14 15 Profiles Panel –JavaScript debugger that inspect CPU profiles or CSS select profiles Web Inspector Console Panel –A JavaScript console interacting web page programmatically

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