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How to manage the growth of your staff ? Experience from CEE Agata Szostek Microfinance consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "How to manage the growth of your staff ? Experience from CEE Agata Szostek Microfinance consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to manage the growth of your staff ? Experience from CEE Agata Szostek Microfinance consultant

2 Functions of Human Resource Management 1. Human Resource Planning 2. Human Resource Policies 3. Recruitment and Selection 4. Salary, Benefits and Incentives 5. Performance Management 6. Training and Development

3 Human Resources Development issues of the MFIs in CEE (in the past) Lack of HR function in the institution – Lack of staff capacity (training) – Lack of professional staff performance management – Hiring processes not aligned with the strategic goals of the institution – Staff incentive systems non existent or not supporting the strategy

4 What are the current main issues of HDR in the CEE region? HR function/manager not always recognized for its importance in planning institutional development Poor alignment of systems with strategy Lack of appropriate attention to staff development Lack of succession plans

5 What are the best staff incentives in place? Fair, transparent, simple and achievable! SIS should be appropriate to the institutional culture and support the stage of development of the institution

6 Introduction of SIS in the CEE

7 Reasons for introducing SIS Solving operational problems Following competitors who have already introduced SIS Pressure from staff - as a result of their feedback Attendance at a SIS training course Findings of an external consultant

8 Who receives bonuses?

9 Indicators for SIS used in the CEE QUANTITATIVE FINANCIAL: Loan size, type of loan and at risk loan: Average portfolio size Number of accounts served Number of loans disbursed per month Number of loans written off / Delinquency rate Number of new loans Portfolio quality Portfolio size Clients: Client drop out Client retention rate Number of clients Number of new clients Number of repeated clients

10 Indicators for SIS QUANTITATIVE FINANCIAL: Branch Office Performance: Income level of branch Sustainability / profitability of branch QUALITATIVE Staff performance: Increased productivity per loan officer Overall performance of admin staff Quality of work Team spirit Outreach Number of jobs created / sustained Number of women clients Number of invalid, refugee and displaced clients Type of clients Income level of clients

11 Indicators for SIS in the CEE Overall lack of indicators supporting the social mission of the institution!

12 HRD alignment with the strategy HR systems: – Hiring – Training (in this induction) – Staff performance evaluation – Staff Incentive Systems Should be aligned with the overall strategy of the institution.

13 The role of networks in supporting staff development The role of MFC as a training provider was crucial in the first 10 years of microfinance development in the Region and still continues – Specifics of microfinance should be addressed in specialized courses (MFC trained over 4000 participants!) and consulting missions. – Best practices should be promoted, experiences shared within the region

14 Recommendations for European programs Without the growth of the programs microfinance will not have any impact at all The main resource needed for growth is staff! It is essential to start building the capacity of your staff from early on! HR function is necessary for the planned development of your staff to have: The right number of people With the right attitude and skills In the right place At the right time

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