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1 DAISY support in the Nuance Accessibility Suite by Torsten Brand.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DAISY support in the Nuance Accessibility Suite by Torsten Brand."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DAISY support in the Nuance Accessibility Suite by Torsten Brand

2 2 Nuance Accessibility Suite ZOOMS S60 3rd Edition S60 2nd Edition Daisy2go S60 3rd Edition TALKS S60 3rd Edition S60 2nd Edition Windows Mobile

3 3 Nuance TALKS - Screen reader for mobile phones Add text-to-speech to standard phone UI ETI Eloquence, RealSpeak Mobile, Vocalizer Mobile Dial numbers, use contacts, text messaging, web access, and much more

4 4 Nuance ZOOMS - Magnifier for mobile phones Magnifies display up to 16x Auto-scroll, inverted colours, grey-scale Works hand in hand with TALKS Very easy to use, focus tracking with free navigation Screenshot of Zooms, distributed views (200%)

5 5 Nuance Daisy2go - DAISY player for mobile phones DAISY text+audio book player Supports DAISY spec 2.02 DAISY 3.0 soon Audio, text, text+audio Bookmarks, adjustable playback speed, easy operation

6 6 Nuance Daisy2go - Benefits No extra hardware –Mobile phone as an "Accessibility Swiss Army Knife" Take advantage of mainstream developments –Phone manufacturers keep improving their devices Cost effective –Daisy2go is free for Nuance Accessibility Suite users

7 7 Nuance Daisy2go – Navigation Features Table of content –Tree or list structure Move by –Heading level 1 to 6 –Page –Text block –Phrase –Bookmark Jump to –Page, Time, Percentage Bookmarking –List of bookmarks –Optional auto-resume

8 8 Nuance Daisy2go - Audio features Adjustable volume Adjustable playback speed Tape-recorder like cueing –Between 2x and 16x –Optional beep for headings –Optional beep for pages

9 9 Nuance Daisy2go - Text Features Synchronization of text and audio –Highlight currently read text Adjustable text size Adjustable colours –Text colour and background –Highlight colour and background

10 10 Nuance Daisy2go - Other Features Book Info –Creator, Publisher, narrator –Format, Generator –Pages, Duration –Etc. DAISY-fy –Play other audio content with Daisy2go –Structure by author, album, title

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