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Recent Arrivers Data Collection Title III webinar September 25, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Arrivers Data Collection Title III webinar September 25, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Arrivers Data Collection Title III webinar September 25, 2012

2 Collection New collection to determine the number of “recent arrivers” by district Required by United States Department of Education ODE will begin collecting this data based on the 11-12 school year

3 What will be reported? Student level data collection based on the SSID information system All students, age 3 -21 who were not born in the US or Puerto Rice AND Have been educated in the US for less than three (3) cumulative years. (or 540 days)

4 Required data fields SSID Language of Origin LEP Flag (cannot be blank)

5 Data submission dates 2011-12 school year data –September 27, 2012- October 22, 2012 2012-13 school year data –May 9 - June 24, 2013 for the 2012-13 school year data.

6 Definition Title III is a federal grant which encompasses Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students. Oregon is using the term “Recent Arriver” to more closely describe the eligible population. The following are the characteristics of a “Recent Arriver”: –Are aged 3-21 –Were NOT born in any state; and –Have NOT been attending one or more schools in any one or more state for more than three full academic years.

7 Frequently asked questions Are foreign exchange students in this collection? –If the foreign exchange student meets the criteria in the definition, then they are included in the “recent arrivers” data collection

8 FAQ (cont.) What if the student was born abroad to US military members? –If the student meets the criteria in the definition, then the student is included in the “recent arrivers” data collection.

9 FAQ (cont.) How is this information to be collected? –This information needs to be asked of all students. –Any student born outside the US or Puerto Rico regardless of Language of origin may be a Recent Arriver based on the definition.

10 FAQ (cont.) How will this data be used? –ODE is required to submit this data annually to the US Dept of Education. –Title III will be using this data in the future to determine the district with the greatest significant increase in recent arrivers. This information will be used to disseminate the Title III – Immigrant sub-grant beginning with the 2014-15 school year.

11 FAQ (cont.) What if my district does not have any recent arrivers to report? –The district clicks the verify button on the status tracking page for the Recent Arrivers data collection. –This verification will notify ODE staff that the district has no students to report. –ODE staff may contact the district to confirm this information at a later date.

12 Where is the verify button? Add screenshot of status tracking page

13 How do I add the data? Districts can either: –Upload a csv file to ODE –Enter student data via web submission CSV file format is available on the Recent Arrivers’ web page. – &Collection_ID=752 &Collection_ID=752

14 Screen Shot - Web submission

15 Documents to assist districts Guidance documents are available on the Recent Arrivers data collection web page. – CllctnDetail.aspx?id=272&Collection_ID=75 2 CllctnDetail.aspx?id=272&Collection_ID=75 2

16 Where do I go for help? For specific Recent Arrivers Data collection questions –Kim Miller – Data Owner (503) 947-5712 For assistance with uploading or general collection questions –ODE HelpDesk (503) 947-5715

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