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Context: Sector Health Check: Recommendation 51 Challenging behaviour is a human rights and quality of life issue for individuals, primary carers and.

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Presentation on theme: "Context: Sector Health Check: Recommendation 51 Challenging behaviour is a human rights and quality of life issue for individuals, primary carers and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Context: Sector Health Check: Recommendation 51 Challenging behaviour is a human rights and quality of life issue for individuals, primary carers and families The impact of challenging behaviour is significant for both the person with a disability and for those in the person’s environment

3 Context of Positive Behaviour Framework Western Australia People with disabilities who sometimes exhibit challenging behaviour Immediate focus on the disability sector Future engagement across whole of community Statewide approach

4 Framework Structure

5 Progress Forum Research report Guiding Committee Pilot projects

6 Research Partnership with National Disability Services Involvement of sector organisations Report ‘Toward Responsive Services For All’

7 ‘Toward Responsive Services For All’ 9 Proposals Family Support Services Improve Mental Health Outcomes Development of Best Practice Service Principles

8 Proposals continued: Flexible and Timely Funding Strategy Targeted Sector Development Interdisciplinary Teams

9 Proposals continued: Disability Sector Policy and Guidelines Regional and Remote Services Across Government Collaborative Response

10 Guiding Committee Partnership approach Representation across the disability sector (including family and CALD representation) Identification of pilot projects to demonstrate options to address proposals from report

11 Guiding Committee Jacqui MillsParent (Chair) Charlotte HowellLifestyle Solutions Tracy DelamareRocky Bay Monique WilliamsonNational Disability Services David RogersNational Disability Services Stephan Van VlijmanNulsen Taryn HarveyDevelopmental Disability Council Adam SullivanLady Lawley Ed MayvisIdentity WA Margaret WalshVIP Michelle ThomasAutism Association Maranda AliEthnic Disability Advocacy Centre Leanne PearmanMy Place Tim DonconDSC (Representing Policy Directorate) Jacki HollickDisability Services Commission Fran GresleyDSC Accommodation Services Directorate Jill McKenzieDSC Service Contracting and Development Directorate Mike Cubbage Disability Services Commission Pam TosterManager Local Area Coordination Jamie SmithActiv Foundation Gail PalmerHills Community Support Group

12 Pilot Projects Range of pilot projects to demonstrate options for proposals from report Evidence to demonstrate ‘what it takes’ Consideration for policy and service contracting decisions

13 Pilot Projects Development of agreed principles guiding effective service design. Staff Development and Supervision Model using a Positive Behaviour Support approach. Development of policy and operational guidelines governing the use of restrictive practices in the Disability Sector.

14 Development of a Pilot Proposal to examine best practice in supporting people with intellectual disability with mental health issues, substance use issues or who engages in offending behavior. Development of a Pilot Proposal to examine best practice in supporting families where there is a family member who displays challenging behaviour

15 Future Actions Whole of sector ‘World Café’ session Implementation of pilot projects Engagement with tertiary training providers Engagement with universal providers Evaluation

16 Positive Behavior Support Pilot Projects Framework (Based on the Framework suggested by the report “Towards Responsive Services”. Tertiary Response Professional Support Positive Behaviour Strategies Organisational Practices Support Staff practices Restrictive Practices Policy and Operational Guidelines Secondary Response Support Strategies Positive Behaviour Strategies Support Staff Professional Medical Support Organisational Practices Housemates Support Staff Team Professional Support Sector Development Strategies Cross Government responses Service Environment Primary Response Broader Environment Lifestyle Communication Social Support Health and Wellbeing Control and Choices Relationships Effective Service Design Family Leadership Individua l Family Carer

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