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What will be the unit of change for CfE? Eddie Broadley, Area Adviser, LTS.

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Presentation on theme: "What will be the unit of change for CfE? Eddie Broadley, Area Adviser, LTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 What will be the unit of change for CfE? Eddie Broadley, Area Adviser, LTS

2 More likely Tilting at Windmills

3 Learning to change, changing to learn


5 “We need a curriculum which will enable young people to understand the world they are living in, reach the highest levels possible of achievement, and equip them for work and learning throughout their lives.” Curriculum for Excellence 2007

6 51

7 “A goal of the curriculum review is to give teachers more freedom to teach in innovative and creative ways.” Progress and Proposals 5-14 Guide TP 21

8 Moving from this.. to…

9 Building the curriculum The curriculum: all that we plan for children and young people’s learning – across 4 contexts 7 Principles for planning Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance Experiences and outcomes 8 curriculum areas 6 Entitlements Including broad general education; Senior phase; Skills for learning, for life and for work Values Wisdom, justice, Compassion, integrity Values Wisdom, justice, Compassion, integrity Effective teaching and active, sustained learning Effective teaching and active, sustained learning Support for learning through choices and changes into positive and sustained destinations Support for learning through choices and changes into positive and sustained destinations Assessment, qualifications Self-evaluation and Accountability, Professional development aligned with purposes Assessment, qualifications Self-evaluation and Accountability, Professional development aligned with purposes

10 Best unit of change?




14 ‘By the age of 16, the average adult in the UK will have done 75% of the writing they will do in their lifetime ’

15 In the UK, 98% of 12 year-olds want “to do well at school”

16 And yet, only 38% look forward to going to school.





21 7 out of 10 teenagers have a handheld games machine

22 9 out of 10 teenagers have a home computer, a mobile phone and a games console

23 84% of young people play computer games at least once a fortnight

24 72% of teachers never play computer games

25 The world our kids are going to live in is changing four times faster than our schools Dr Willard Daggert Director of International Centre for Leadership and Education

26 Organising Learning R / evolution?

27 “When the going gets tough, the tough get traditional” Ian Jukes, ‘Closing the Digital Divide’


29 “The past is a point of reference not a place of residence” Kriss Akabusi

30 "Every time we were beginning to form into teams we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tried to meet any new situation by reorganizing, and a wonderful method it was for creating the illusion of progress whilst producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralization." Gaius Petronius (AD 166)

31 One of the only places operating largely as it did more than 50 years ago would be the local school Nummela and Caine; Making Connections

32 Successful Learners Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors

33 Literacy? “Competence and confidence in literacy …are essential for progress in all areas of the curriculum. Because of this, all teachers have responsibility for promoting literacy and language development.” Progress and proposals

34 In times of radical change, the learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves perfectly equipped for a world that no longer exists Erik Hoffer

35 Involve me and I understand. Involve me and I understand. Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember.

36 Existing systems produce existing results. If something different is required the system must be changed Sir Christopher Ball; More Means Different (from a report on widening access to Higher Education)

37 'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results' Albert Einstein

38 It is the business of the future to be dangerous. The major advances in civilisation are processes that all but wreck the societies in which they occur Alfred North Whitehead

39 ‘80% of the jobs that current Primary 1 pupils will do, do not exist yet’ BT Futurologist 2005

40 Make the curriculum more relevant with pupils for the 21 st Century

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