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Arts & Inclusive Learning making connections Shaqe Kalaj and Kati Blair.

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Presentation on theme: "Arts & Inclusive Learning making connections Shaqe Kalaj and Kati Blair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arts & Inclusive Learning making connections Shaqe Kalaj and Kati Blair

2 Goals & Objectives Inclusive, arts-Integration and arts instruction requires persistence and risk-taking. Arts processes can serve as inclusive strategies and promote self-agency in students with and without disabilities.

3 Moving our bodies Making art Reflecting on arts processes as inclusive strategies Creating next step plans What are we doing today?

4 How can we identify barriers and look for approaches that lead to success ?

5 Ben Comen video

6 What Characteristics did Ben have? What Barriers existed for Ben? How was he supported?

7 Discussion in small & large groups What are your barriers? What barriers exist for your students? What are your supports?

8 How can we go beyond labels and create new perceptions?

9 Disability Being aware of the different forms of disabilities but then asking... How can we look for abilities? physical cognitive/mental sensory emotional developmental

10 Mary's Powerpoint

11 Take a Break

12 Representation (The What) The way information and content are presented

13 Learning Styles Kinesthetic How do you learn the best? Visual Verbal Hearing

14 Meyers Briggs How we process Extrovert The Outer world of Actions, Objects and Persons Introvert The Inner World of Concepts and Ideas

15 Meyers Briggs How we judge or make decisions Thinking need order Feeling need approval & support

16 Students become objects and a neanderthal at a burial based on text from class.

17 Accessing Students previous knowledge about their surroundings. Lesson was based on a poem about a Bag Lady in Detroit

18 Tableaus of Text Groups silently read the student writing. Discuss the information that was read. Plan a tableau that communicates the main idea of the text. Create a Tableau for your excerpt. Plan a title for your Tableau Plan 5 - 6 words that communicate the meaning of your tableau. Rehearse reciting the title and words while fixed in your tableau Share your tableau with the other groups.

19 What do you notice? What do you see that prompts you say that?

20 Reflection on Representation Review your UDL lens provided before the start of the lesson. Was the UDL item achieved during the activity? Discuss with your small group.

21 Time for Lunch

22 Expression (The How) How can we initiate an art experience that leads into expression that is unique to the individual? How students act on and express what they know?

23 Betty Edwards Method A step-by-step process that allows you to see the parts as a whole.

24 Visual Thinking Strategies What do you see? Why do you see that makes you say that? What more can we find?

25 What do you see?

26 Adaptive tools & strategies that meet physical needs

27 Creativity in adapting More physical adaptive tools What about tearing?

28 Tracing Adaptive tools & strategies that meet Cognitive / Emotional / Mental needs

29 Approach using Style Expressionism Realism Outsider Art

30 Reflection on Action & Expression Review your UDL lens provided before the start of the lesson. Was the UDL item achieved during the activity? Discuss with your small group.

31 Take a Break

32 Engagement (The Why) How do the arts support an attitude of engagement? Stimulate interest and motivation in learning

33 Evolution of one student



36 Musical Art Chairs 1. As soon as music plays you draw continuously 2. If you are unsure what to draw, makes shapes or lines 3. When music stops, you stop drawing 4. Pass your drawing to the right 5. When music starts up again, draw continuously until music stops. 6. Repeat process

37 Reflection for Engagement Review your UDL lens provided before the start of the lesson. Was the UDL item achieved during the activity? Discuss with your small group.

38 Take a Break

39 Next Steps Engagement: In what ways can you build in varying levels of challenge? Reflection? Goal setting? Expression & Action: Describe some materials and processes that will provide opportunities for varied expression. Adaptive Tools? Representation: How can you present content in multiple ways, auditory, visually or kinesthetically? What kind of resources and support can you find in your community?

40 Resources

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