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Partnerships Bremen El Médano Šumperk. April 11, 2011 we welcomed our friends from Bremen and El Medano in Šumperk. After emotional meet we went to Town.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnerships Bremen El Médano Šumperk. April 11, 2011 we welcomed our friends from Bremen and El Medano in Šumperk. After emotional meet we went to Town."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnerships Bremen El Médano Šumperk

2 April 11, 2011 we welcomed our friends from Bremen and El Medano in Šumperk. After emotional meet we went to Town Hall, where Mayor Mgr. Zdeněk Brož amazed us by his speech. Then we went through the centre of our town to school. After proper introduction of students from parntership´s schools, we went to first common lunch. We spent our afternoon program by an excursion to the hydroelectric power station Dlouhé Stráně. There we had a short public lecture and after that we went over the top of the tank. We just relaxed when we got home.


4 The next morning we all met together in the assembley hall. There was a presentation in the morning. The first who presented was the Spanish group and immediatly after them German group. Unfortunately, we missed it. We got on the bus and went to Rapotín after common lunch to check workplace of our students, who study a branch joiner. We went to Velké Losiny from here to visit a castle and the old Paper mill. Our friends could try to produce handmade paper by themselves. Then we returned back home and prepared for night party in club Devítka. Students could stay for a while at Devítka and teachers stayed in the restaurant Arte, where they discussed about work things.


6 We met each other again in the school on Wednesday. We divided to groups and went to have a look how our hairdresses and losmiths work. Our friends could get comb in hairdressing saloon, while the boys tried welding and soldering on the other side of the school. It was tiring and long morning and so we went with a taste for lunch. After the lunch we went to the bus stop. The bus took us to the brewery in Hanušovice. We enjoyed last excursion in czech language and we had a glass of Kofola in the nearest pub. When we went back to Šumperk we sang czech and spanish songs in the bus and our mood was great. In Šumperk we visited Hypernova supermarket, another workplace of our school. In the evening we played bowlling and everybody had a great mood. After such a long time we went to sleep.


8 Thursday was finally day for everybody. Immediately in the morning we went to the pension G, where we pick up German group to walk to the station. At the train we said them goodbye and neverending wave goodbye. After that we came to pension back and waited for Spanish group. We visited theatre with them, last workplace on Dolnostudenská street and finally we had an excursion of Geshader´s house. Everybody loved it. Then we came back to the school for the last common lunch. We completed our work and said goodbye to Spanish group.



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