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Movies Music Outlet Jimmy Le, Ryan Quinagoran, Eric Mu JRE Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Movies Music Outlet Jimmy Le, Ryan Quinagoran, Eric Mu JRE Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movies Music Outlet Jimmy Le, Ryan Quinagoran, Eric Mu JRE Media

2 Agenda 1.Project Background 2.Accomplishments 3.Budget 4.Recommendations 5.Conclusion 6.References/Acknowledgements

3 Project Background Future of viewing/listening digital media. Movies Music Outlet provides a simple, yet modern, site to stream the latest and favorite media files. User friendly interface with aesthetic features. Media information values from the SQL database. Tons of PHP, HTML, CSS, javascript, SQL code.

4 Accomplishments 1.Successfully created a friendly user interface 2.Configured the server with the project 3.Created a backup/contingency plan 4.Documented a fully functioning website 5.Developed a user manual

5 Budget ItemQuantityCost per unit Estimated Cost HP Proliant DL385 G7 Server1$2275.85 Client PC1$699.95 Misc. (keyboard, mouse, speakers, monitor, cables) 1 $429.00 Media1 $220.00 Gigabit N300 Router1$48.99 Hardware Total $3673.79 Software Total $220.00 Total $3893.79

6 Operating Cost ItemHoursRateCost Eric Mu96$100$9600 Ryan Quinagoran87$100$8700 Jimmy Le90$100$9000 Total $27300

7 Recommendations Remember to have a static IP address to avoid any changes in the code and the project. Implement the necessary security measures to your projects to reduce the chances of breaches. Always be open to learning new ways to improve your project. Document and time stamp everything you do for both accountability and future usage. Communicate with teammates effectively to avoid confusion and repetition.

8 Conclusion We accomplished our goal of creating a media database where users can view movies or listen to music in one place Working on this project was a great experience for all of us and we learned a lot throughout the process We feel that this project has helped prepare us for our future in IT

9 References/Acknowledges

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