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Air Pollution Chapter 17. Final Exam Tuesday May 7 7 - 10 pm Foellinger Auditorium Conflict exam: Thursday May 9 sign up with Karin Nelson EEE 105

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution Chapter 17. Final Exam Tuesday May 7 7 - 10 pm Foellinger Auditorium Conflict exam: Thursday May 9 sign up with Karin Nelson EEE 105"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution Chapter 17

2 Final Exam Tuesday May 7 7 - 10 pm Foellinger Auditorium Conflict exam: Thursday May 9 sign up with Karin Nelson EEE 105 Name: eee105Password: prAIRie 7 - 10 pm

3 Final Exam Tuesday May 7 7 - 10 pm Foellinger Auditorium Review: Sunday May 5 5 pm 112 Gregory EEE 105 Name: eee105Password: prAIRie

4 Final Exam Tuesday May 7 7 - 10 pm Foellinger Auditorium Coverage: cumulative with special emphasis on March 4, 8, 11 & April 10 - May 1 EEE 105 Name: eee105Password: prAIRie

5 Global warming

6 Possible Effects of A Warmer World Changes in food production –Changes in forests –Biodiversity reduction Rising Sea Level Wider Temperature Extremes

7 Global warming How restrain global warming? Reduce carbon emission 1997 Kyoto Protocols U.S. & 100 nations agree to reduce CO2 emissions 7% below 1990 level by 2010 Now opposed by U.S.

8 Global warming

9 How restrain global warming? Some corporations have cut CO 2

10 Global warming How restrain global warming? Some corporations have cut CO 2 China appears to be cutting CO 2

11 Global warming


13 How restrain global warming? Some corporations have cut CO 2 China appears to be cutting CO 2 Encourage alternatives to fossil fuels

14 Global warming How restrain global warming? Some corporations have cut CO 2 China appears to be cutting CO 2 Encourage alternatives to fossil fuels Sequester carbon?

15 Global warming Sequester carbon? pump into depleted oil wells? bury in ocean depths?

16 Clear Skies Initiative announced 2/2002 but not yet proposed to Congress

17 Clear Skies Initiative Scrap the 1970 Clean Air Act which required new power plants to clean SO 2 emissions Shift to “cap and trade” free market trading of pollution permits Claims 73% reduction in SO 2 by 2018

18 Solid Waste Throwaway life style Ch. 18

19 Solid Waste Throwaway life style Municipal solid waste

20 Municipal Solid Waste 220 million tons/year in U.S.

21 Municipal Solid Waste 0.73 tons/year per person.

22 Methods of Waste Disposal Dumps & Fills e.g. Boston e.g. Boston

23 Methods of Waste Disposal Dumps & Fills e.g. San Francisco e.g. San Francisco

24 garbage Methods of Waste Disposal Dumps & Fills Landfills usually lined

25 Methods of Waste Disposal Livingston Landfill

26 Possible to generate methane

27 Landfills 56 in Illinois


29 Landfills

30 Landfills ~57% of U.S. solid waste goes to landfills

31 Methods of Waste Disposal Incineration problem of air pollution problem of air pollution Landfills

32 Methods of Waste Disposal Incineration problem of air pollution problem of air pollution Landfills

33 Methods of Waste Disposal Incineration problem of air pollution problem of air pollution problem of hospital wastes Landfills

34 Methods of Waste Disposal Incineration problem of air pollution problem of air pollution problem of hospital wastes Landfills Recycling Reduction of waste individual individual behavior behavior


36 Recycling

37 Recycling

38 Recycling


40 Reducing Solid Waste composting Page 413

41 Toxic Waste established in 1980 to clean up the worst sites funded by a billion $ tax on industry which expired in 1995

42 Toxic Waste

43 ~80 sites cleaned per year in the ‘90’s now plan to clean ~45 per year shifting the cost to taxpayer

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