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Energywatch Closedown and Cutover Plans newNCC Complaint Handling Model newNCC Information Requirements newNCC Interface with Advice Agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Energywatch Closedown and Cutover Plans newNCC Complaint Handling Model newNCC Information Requirements newNCC Interface with Advice Agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 energywatch Closedown and Cutover Plans newNCC Complaint Handling Model newNCC Information Requirements newNCC Interface with Advice Agencies

2 Objectives  Seamless transition for consumers to new arrangements  Support go live of new arrangements from 1 st October  All consumers continue to received the help they need  Compliance with statutory obligations  Minimise work carried forward to newNCC

3 Jan-Mar 2005 Jan-Mar 2006 Jan-Mar 2007 Jan-Mar 2008 Investigated Complaints 17,840 (36%)15,442 (18%)15,439 (16%)5,512 (9%) Empowered Complaints --10,984 (11%)18,953 (32%) Total Complaints 17,840 (36%)15,442 (20%)26,423 (27%)24,465 (41%) Enquiries 31,796 (64%)72,546 (82%)71,796 (73%)34,873 (59%) Total Cases 49,63687,98898,21959,338

4  Agree Cutover Plan with stakeholders  Preparation for Cutover (June/July)  Set up Shadow Extra Help Unit and Interim Team in energywatch  Implement Cutover Plan on 4th August (new cases to call centre)  Call centre resolves cases using agreed transition arrangements: ◦ Providing Advice and Information ◦ Empowerment referral to supplier ◦ Signpost to redress or other agency ◦ Referral to Shadow Extra Help Unit (vulnerable only) ◦ Referral to Shadow Interim Team ◦ Transfer to other energywatch offices (existing cases only)  Closing energywatch offices focus on clearing live case load

5 June  Preparation of Call Centre Transition Training Plan ◦ New Call Types ◦ New contact channels ◦ New complaint handling model ◦ Complex enquiries July  Call Centre Ramp Up  Training Delivery for Transition Plan  Consumer Direct Training commences (end July) August  All new calls directed to call centre (complete by 11 th August)  Web, email & letters to call centre (complete by 18 th August)  Call centre handles new cases using transitional arrangements

6 w/c 22nd September  Closure of web and email contact channels  Redirect post from closing offices to Interim Team (25 th )  Residual live cases transferred to Interim Team (25 th )  Removal of IT equipment from 4 closing office (26 th )  Switch over Call Centre to CD call handling system (27 th )  Implement CD to newNCC referral process (29 th )  Telephone switchover to CD and new NCC (30 th )  Closure of energywatch web site (30 th )  energywatch closed (30 th ) From 1st October  All telephone contacts to Consumer Direct (Energy & Post)  Consumer Direct and newNCC websites live  newNCC Extra Help Unit and Interim Teams operational

7  Essential to ensure operational readiness for 1st October ◦ Key area of reputational risk (avoid Terminal 5 scenario) ◦ Retain some extra capacity and contingency for transitional period ◦ Minimise changes required to systems/processes during transition  Extra Help Unit ◦ Largely resourced from energywatch Glasgow staff ◦ Majority of workload will be energy cases ◦ Use energywatch service mail system ◦ Adapt energywatch complaint handling processes ◦ Research on needs and service preferences of vulnerable consumers  Agreed Vulnerable definition  Establish protocols to support referral pathways  Agree Complaint Handling Model with Industry

8  Referrals of Vulnerable energy cases from Consumer Direct, Ofgem and Redress Scheme  Referrals of Disconnection cases from Consumer Direct, Ofgem and Advice Agencies  Referrals of Vulnerable postal cases from Consumer Direct, Postcomm and Redress Scheme  Referrals from MPs  Provision of support and information to Advice Agencies

9  Clear residual live energy cases  Handle follow up contacts on cases closed in previous quarter  Support Extra Help Unit on vulnerable cases (until EHU is fully staffed)  Receive, sort/scan letters (until redirected to Consumer Direct)  Forward new non vulnerable cases to Consumer Direct  Forward vulnerable cases to Extra Help Unit  Provide back up advice to Consumer Direct on complex enquiries  Support Call Centre on any non vulnerable cases which cannot be resolved by empowerment and are out of scope for Redress Scheme  Handle any High Level/MP cases (until migrated to Extra Help Unit)

10 Case types  Priority Cases (s13 Duties): Disconnection & PPM Off Supply  Vulnerable Cases (s12 Powers - Vulnerable Guidelines) ◦ Investigated Complaints ◦ Empowered Complaints ◦ Enquiries ◦ Signpost/Referral to Energy Ombudsman  Other cases (mainly MPs)  Out of Scope Cases

11 newNCC Contacts consumer and provides update Definition: Priority cases are disconnections, threatened disconnections or prepayment off supply cases. Targets: 95% of cases resolved by next working day. Consumer’s supply restored within 3 or 4 hours (per Guaranteed Standards) newNCC Contacts consumer to make sure agreed actions undertaken and consumer satisfied. Closes case or escalates to supplier if not resolved Supplier Arranges appointment with metering agent and/or takes appropriate action. Provides update to newNCC. newNCC Customer call transferred from Consumer Direct or other agency Establish facts, advise consumer & update Servicemail Telephone supplier, agree actions & request GSS or goodwill payment (if appropriate) Complaint Handling – Priority Cases

12 Complaint Handling – Vulnerable Cases Stage 1 newNCC Receive case from Consumer Direct or other agency & record in servicemail Initial Investigation Email/telephone supplier Acknowledge to consumer In 2 working days Supplier Investigate and respond to consumer and newNCC within 10 working days newNCC Receive and review response from supplier within 10 working days Discuss with consumer & close case or challenge supplier Case closed Stage 2 Stage 3 Targets (Investigated Complaints) 75% of cases resolved in 35 working days 95% of cases resolved in 66 working days

13  Empowered Complaints (Mid Call Transfer or Email) ◦ Vulnerable consumer referred by Consumer Direct but now able to deal directly with Company  Enquiries (Target: Resolve 95% in 10 working days) ◦ Consumer not dealt with supplier but unable to do so ◦ Information required from previous supplier to resolve a complaint  Signpost or Referral to Energy Ombudsman ◦ newNCC and consumer unhappy with response from company  Out of Scope ◦ Consumer signposted to other advice agency because issue is outside newNCC’s remit

14 Energy Casesenergywatch 2007/8 (actual) newNCC Transition 6 months (forecast) NewNCC Steady State 2009/10 (forecast) Cases handled 295,65113,50017,500 Case Handlers– FTE 1062613.5 Notes: 1.newNCC figures exclude postal cases 2.Transition resource includes support for Consumer Direct, handling redirected correspondence, work on former energywatch cases & contingency provision 3. Case forecasts and FTE requirements to be reviewed in July

15  Chase & Reconciliation Process ◦ Weekly list to reconcile new cases ◦ Weekly list to chase cases > 10 days old  Escalation Process ◦ Responses not received from company ◦ Consumer Advisor is unable to resolve issues to consumer’s satisfaction ◦ Consumer escalates case ◦ MP complaints or other high level cases  Disputes Process ◦ Categorisation issues ◦ Case recorded against wrong company

16  Adapt/Develop energywatch Company Performance model  Establish new sources of consumer intelligence  Performance Monitoring & Publishing Performance Data  Representation on Industry governance bodies  Confidence Code and accreditation of price comparison sites  Development of Company Performance model to another sector

17  Provision of support to enable advice agencies to deal directly with most vulnerable consumers (without need to refer to newNCC)  Access to consumer intelligence to support Company Performance and Campaigns activity  Direct referral of disconnection/off supply cases  Agree arrangements with Consumer Direct for transfer of other vulnerable cases

18  Training Materials and Training Delivery  Fact Sheets & Consumer Leaflets  Price Comparison Leaflets  newNCC Knowledge Base or Manual  Ask a Question facility  Ask the Advisor Telephone Service

19  newNCC’s Extra Help Unit  Feedback of consumer issues (via web portal)  Representation on Stakeholder Forums  Complaints Information from Ofgem/Companies  Complaints Information from Consumer Direct  Complaints Information from Redress Scheme  Web sources

20  newNCC has power to obtain information & duty to publish: ◦ Information on complaints received by companies ◦ Information on compliance with complaint handling standard  newNCC will seek to publish timely, accurate information that: ◦ Helps consumers understand performance of companies ◦ Helps consumers to make an informed choice of supplier ◦ Includes direct complaints made to suppliers ◦ Reflects performance and is consistent between suppliers ◦ Shows service for key categories (billing, marketing, prepayment) ◦ Incentivises suppliers to deliver improved performance newNCC will: ◦ Review changes required to current energywatch approach ◦ Discuss plans to publish information with companies ◦ Take into account feedback from consumers ◦ Review approaches in other sectors (CCWater, Topcomm etc)

21  Proposed Information requirements ◦ Number of complaints and repeat complaints received ◦ Number of complaints resolved at first point of contact ◦ Number of complaints unresolved after 24 hours ◦ Time taken to resolve complaints (e.g. 0-10, 28 days) ◦ Total number of agent handled calls, web/emails and letters ◦ Number of referrals from Consumer Direct & time taken to resolve ◦ Number of Ombudsman cases & number of deadlock letters  Areas for further consideration ◦ Publication content, format, scope and timing ◦ Frequency of reporting (monthly or quarterly) ◦ Co-ordinating information requirements with Ofgem ◦ Interim/transitional arrangements ◦ Publication of complaints information for network companies ◦ Additional information requirements in service recovery situations

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