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Salk Institute Mobile Lab Gel Electrophoresis Student Instructions Edvotek set up Salk Institute Mobile Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Salk Institute Mobile Lab Gel Electrophoresis Student Instructions Edvotek set up Salk Institute Mobile Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salk Institute Mobile Lab Gel Electrophoresis Student Instructions Edvotek set up Salk Institute Mobile Lab

2 Gel Electrophoresis Student Station Set-up tip container w/tips waste container 5 µ l fixed pipettor practice sheet in protector foam epi rack w/ 1 food color tube each: orange, green, purple

3 Salk Institute Mobile Lab How to Use a 5µl fixed pipettor Make sure a yellow tip is firmly twisted onto the end of the red pipettor Carefully open one of the food color tubes –Don’t let the lid snap back and splash you! Hold down the button on the top of the pipettor

4 Salk Institute Mobile Lab How to Use a 5µl fixed pipettor While holding the button down, insert the tip into the food color tube

5 Salk Institute Mobile Lab How to Use a 5µl fixed pipettor Release the button and remove from the food color tube The tip now contains just 5 microliters of solution!

6 Salk Institute Mobile Lab How to Use a 5µl fixed pipettor To dispense the solution push down on the button again Using your other hand to guide the end of the tip, practice dispensing the 5µl drops –Try to not push down on the plastic sheet - see if you can hold the pipettor tip just above the paper

7 Salk Institute Mobile Lab How to Use a 5µl fixed pipettor Twist off the dirty tip into the waste container and replace with a clean tip Always use a clean tip each time!!

8 Salk Institute Mobile Lab How to Use a 5µl fixed pipettor Ready to load a real gel?

9 Salk Institute Mobile Lab How to Use a 5µl fixed pipettor Load the food color solutions into the wells on your group’s gel Be careful not to poke through the bottom of the wells!

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