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1 Jacqui Banerjee Stephanie Carnachan May 2009 Forest Hill Pools Consultation Spring 2009.

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1 1 Jacqui Banerjee Stephanie Carnachan May 2009 Forest Hill Pools Consultation Spring 2009

2 2 Agenda Background and objectives Research method Main findings Respondent characteristics Preferences Reasons for preference Anticipated usage Views on existing building being used for housing development What residents would expect from the new facility

3 3 Background and Objectives In March 2006 Forest Hill Pools closed for health and safety reasons In September 2008, Mayoral approval on further feasibility work being carried out to deliver a two-pool facility to residents of Forest Hill In February 2009, the Mayor agreed there were two possible options Inclusive research required to understand the support for each option

4 4 Options » Option 1: To postpone the project until 2012. This might allow further funding to be found in future for a new leisure centre on the existing pools site. The earliest possible estimated completion date for this option would be 2015. » Option 2: To proceed now and build a new leisure centre on Willow Way. Willow Way is an alternative site that is approximately 400 metres from the current site. The option would be partly funded by developing the land on the current pools site for housing. The estimated completion date for the new leisure centre would be late 2011. » The cost of building a new leisure centre is similar for both sites. The second option is affordable now because the proceeds from housing development on the current pools site could help to pay for a new leisure centre on Willow Way.

5 5 Research Method

6 6 Research method - quantitative Four main groups Telephone research with a representative sample of residents in Forest Hill, Sydenham and Perry Vale aged 13 years+ using RDD and Lifestyle database telephone approach. Quota controls and corrective weighting by age, gender, tenure and ward. BME and disability watched Self completion research via 20,000 paper questionnaires distributed to households in the three wards (and also made available in public places) and a supplementary online questionnaire posted on the Council website. Online questionnaire advertised within the Borough. Local businesses, telephone interview speaking to owner, proprietor or director Local schools, telephone interview speaking to head, deputy head or head of sports

7 7 Research method - quantitative How many? When? 1001 telephone interviews 2508 self completion (2054 postal and 454 online) 101 businesses 15 schools Residential telephone interviews between 1 and 17 May 2009 Postal and online questionnaire available from 27 April and closed on 31 May 2009 Businesses and schools between 11 and 22 May 2009

8 8 Research method - qualitative How many? Who? When? Method? Local residents covering differing groups: pre-family, parents of younger children, parents of older children, retired, disabled residents and Saxon Crown swimming club members Members of Forest Hill Pools Stakeholders Group 7 focus groups with local residents (consisting largely of 6-8 respondents) 12 stakeholder interviews Mainly face to face with the exception of telephone in one case 11 to 28 May 2009

9 9 Respondent characteristics

10 10 Quantitative respondent characteristics Telephone respondents are representative of residents aged 13 years or more living in the three wards By comparison, self completion respondents - chosen to make effort to take part, therefore motivated to do so: -more likely to take part in physical exercise / swimming activities - more likely to have been former Forest Hill Pool users and aware closure -online respondents - greater proportion of Forest Hill residents Also slight biases in demographic profile of self completion respondents to population: Fewer under 24 year olds and males Therefore when examining results, it is important to understand how these views are likely to be formed

11 11 Option Preference

12 12 How appropriate Option One is Base : All respondents 1001/2508 2054/454 101/15 57% 50% 46% 67% 44% 53% Very/quite S

13 13 How appropriate Option Two is Base : All respondents 1001/2508 2054/454 101/15 70% 51% 55% 32% 72% 87% Very/quite S S S

14 14 Option preference Base : All respondents 1001/2508 2054/454 101/15 S S S S

15 15 Reasons why appropriate – Option One High Medium Low Area lacks facilities/needs a pool Accessible location Location Building Benefit to the community/ economy A good location Everyone knows where it is Its always been there Central location/ in town centre Stronger amongst online respondents Already built for purpose Building should be preserved Of historical value/ retain links with past Will benefit local people More people will use it Will help regeneration Ideal for schools

16 16 Reasons why appropriate – Option Two High Medium Low Area lacks facilities/needs a pool Accessible location Location Timing Benefit to the community/ economy A good location Stronger amongst online respondents 2015 too long to wait The quicker option Would like something modern Will benefit local people More people will use it Our children will miss out – need something now Ideal for schools Building

17 17 Reasons why not appropriate Timing: takes too long, need it now, continue before any other hindrances arise Location: not a good site, not accessible Building: listed status will always be a barrier, would like something new and modern Financial: do not believe the financial arguments Location: too far from where live, people might not be able to find it, unpleasant, scruffy, unsafe area Building: Existing building already fit for purpose, building should be preserved, history should be retained Financial: Forest Hill does not need a swimming pool Option One Option Two

18 18 Likelihood of visiting Base : All respondents 1001/2508 2054/454 101/15 Option OneOption Two 60% 52% 55% 38% 50% 60% Very/quite 73% 81% 78% 93% 57% 60% Very/quite S For all residential groups

19 19 Reasons for visiting or not visiting » Accessibility: close to home » A pool user: would go with family, like swimming, keep fit/healthy » Expectations: that it will be modernised and good facilities » Former user: used to go (Option one only) » Curiosity: will give it a try, something new » Personal reasons: too old, dislike swimming/ exercise, disabled/medical condition » Location: not accessible, dislike the area » Preference: prefer other leisure centres in the area Reasons similar for each option LikelyUnlikely

20 20 Appropriateness of developing the land on the existing Forest Hill pools site for housing Base : All respondents 1001 53% 39% 42% 27% 60% 53% Very/quite

21 21 Facilities would like to see as part of the new leisure centre development Base : All respondents 1001 Swimming pool Gym Café Sauna/steam room Sports hall for team and court sports Community room Teaching pool High Medium Low

22 22 Thank you

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