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Energy and Circuits TCAP Review. Do Now – Daily Sheet please You get to ride a thrilling waterslide! Between which two points would you predict having.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy and Circuits TCAP Review. Do Now – Daily Sheet please You get to ride a thrilling waterslide! Between which two points would you predict having."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy and Circuits TCAP Review

2 Do Now – Daily Sheet please You get to ride a thrilling waterslide! Between which two points would you predict having the smallest change in gravitational potential energy?

3 Review Instructions You will complete your study guide during the game – if you don’t pay attention, you will not have a study guide!! I will choose players at random to switch from team to team as needed. Questions have different point values – yay!

4 1. ______ is the energy of hot objects. Thermal 10. What does the law of conservation of energy state? That energy can not be created or destroyed, but transforms to a different type.

5 8. What is Mechanical energy? The sum of potential and kinetic energy; does work 16. What is an insulator? Give two examples. An item in which electrons (electrical energy) can NOT easily flow through. Rubber, wood, cloth, plastic, etc.

6 22. What does it mean when a circuit is closed? The circuit has a complete and unbroken path for the current to move. 11. Car A is parked on a hill and Car B is driving down a level highway. What types of energy do each of the cars have? Car A has potential energy and Car B has kinetic energy.

7 18. A light bulb is an example of _______________ energy being converted in ________________ energy? Electrical; light 3. ________________________ is the energy used by your body and allows you to move/walk. Chemical energy

8 2. ________________________ is energy from electrons moving. Electrical energy 13. A student wants to give a demonstration of elastic energy in class. What objects should he use for his demonstration? Rubber band, spring, hair tie, trampoline, etc.

9 19. This type of circuit only has one path for electricity to flow. Series circuit 17. What is a conductor? Give two examples? A material that allows electrons (electrical energy) to easily flow through. Any and all metals, water, etc.

10 4. ________________________ is the energy of motion. Kinetic energy 11. An iPhone transforms 34% of its electrical energy into light energy. If energy is conserved, what happens to the other 66%? It is transformed into other types of energy – mainly thermal.

11 24. Label the parts of the circuit shown below. 1.Battery 2. wire/ conductor 3. Lightbulb/ radiant energy 4. switch

12 20. A circuit that has more than one path for electricity to flow. Parallel circuit 15. What type pf energy is found in gas, batteries, burning logs and food? Chemical energy

13 5. ________________________ is the energy of light. Radiant energy 13. Ms. Hubbard goes to the fair and rides a roller coaster. What two main types of energy are transformed as the coaster moves downhill Potential to kinetic.

14 23. What does it mean when a circuit is open? The circuit is not complete and will not allow electrons to move through it. 6. ________________________ is the energy of position. Potential energy

15 8. Identify the object shown and use arrows, to complete a flowchart identifying the energy transformations. Electrical -> mechanical -> sound

16 14. Identify the object shown and use arrows, to complete a flowchart identifying the energy transformations. Chemical -> thermal -> radiant

17 21. Draw the image shown. Label the energy transformations happening in it. Chemical -> electrical -> sound

18 DO Now-Daily sheet please Write an “If…, Then…” hypothesis statement – remember to use the independent and dependent variables!

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