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RA190 Small Molecule Proteasome Inhibitor for Cancer Therapy.

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Presentation on theme: "RA190 Small Molecule Proteasome Inhibitor for Cancer Therapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 RA190 Small Molecule Proteasome Inhibitor for Cancer Therapy

2 Targeting the proteasome… Proteasomal degradation of tumor suppressor proteins is found in many cancers apoptosis arrest sustained cell proliferation

3 RA190: Reduced toxicity novel mechanism of action overcomes drug resistance Preferential targeting of transformed cells Current proteasome inhibitors: –grave side effects –disease resistance

4 Mechanism Of Action Binds to ubiquitin receptor RPN13 RPN13 is part of the 19S Regulatory Cap Responsible for removing Ub from target proteins Proteasome inhibited Misfolded protein buildup


6 The Drug Orally available Promising toxicity profile Works on tumors resistant to bortezumib Active against cervical and ovarian cancer, and Multiple Myeloma

7 The Business What we do: Find cancer cure Who we are: CanCure Inc. “Because we CanCure cancer*!” * By cancer, we mean cervical and ovarian cancer, and multiple myeloma.

8 The Team Looking to build a highly dedicated, talented, and experienced management team: Looking for: CEO: preferably with product launch experience CFO CMO CRO VPs Etc…

9 The Market Ovarian cancer: 17 th most common cancer 21,980 estimated new cases in 2014 14,270 deaths Cervical cancer: 21 st most common cancer 12,360 estimated new cases in 2014 4,020 deaths Multiple myeloma: 14 th most common cancer 24,050 estimated new cases in 2014 11,090 deaths *From NCI SEER statistics 2014

10 Financial Projections

11 Growth Strategy Develop companion diagnostic test for RA190 Explore RA190 in other cancers Exit Strategy Sell company to large pharma

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