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Scenario S: Preferred Alternative. Scenario S: Creating Mixed-use Centers Around Major Transportation Areas Is The Primary Driver Of Improved Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario S: Preferred Alternative. Scenario S: Creating Mixed-use Centers Around Major Transportation Areas Is The Primary Driver Of Improved Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario S: Preferred Alternative

2 Scenario S: Creating Mixed-use Centers Around Major Transportation Areas Is The Primary Driver Of Improved Transportation Performance Plan a range of mixed use centers around transit –A few regional centers –Many neighborhood centers –Close access to centers throughout the Vistas

3 Scenario S: Creating Mixed-use Centers Around Major Transportation Areas Is The Primary Driver Of Improved Transportation Performance Plan a range of mixed use centers around transit –A few regional centers –Many neighborhood centers –Close access to centers throughout the Vistas

4 Scenario S: Creating Mixed-use Centers Around Major Transportation Areas Is The Primary Driver Of Improved Transportation Performance Plan a range of mixed use centers around transit –A few regional centers –Many neighborhood centers –Close access to centers throughout the Vistas

5 Scenario S: Enhanced Network 7 Bus corridors Within ½ mile of transit: –30% Households –47% Jobs +19% +28%

6 Scenario X: Basecase

7 Scenario X Land Use Parameters Half the housing units and jobs of Scenario A –202,500 Housing Units 80% single family housing Averaging about ~6 dwelling units per net acre (3-4 per gross), similar to single family prevalent in the Gold Canyon and San Tan Valley areas –150,000 Jobs Primarily strip commercial with some office Retail and employment centers located at freeway and arterial intersections Small amount of multi-family located around interchanges and employment centers Less environmental sensitivity and open space –More encroachment into washes –Development on slopes –Fewer parks, more golf courses

8 Scenario X Transportation Parameters No regional transit, limited local transit Freeways built as planned Highway 60 and 79 expanded to 6 lane expressways, but with surface intersections Extension of existing major arterials –Follow conventional arterial pattern of one arterial per mile (use section lines)

9 Comparing Scenario S and X Scenario X: BasecaseScenario S: Preferred Alternative

10 Total Population

11 Total Housing Units

12 Total Jobs

13 Developed Acres % of site

14 Vehicle Miles Traveled (per person per day)

15 Walk/Bike Trips (% of Total)

16 Daily Transit Ridership

17 Transportation Emissions (CO2) Tons of CO2 per Year

18 Transportation Emissions (CO2) Tons of CO2 per Year Per Capita

19 Transportation Energy Use Gallons of Gas per Day per Person

20 Jobs-Housing Balance

21 Housing Mix Comparison Scenario X continues current trends, Scenario S anticipates future demographic shifts and changing housing needs.

22 Employment Mix Comparison

23 Building Emissions (CO2) Annual CO2 (ton/yr) Building emissions are lower in Scenario X because employment buildings use more energy

24 Building Emissions (CO2) Annual CO2 (ton/yr) Per Capita Building emissions are lower in Scenario X because employment buildings use more energy

25 Total Water Demand (Gallons/day - Building and Landscaping)

26 Total Water Demand (Gallons/day - Building and Landscaping) Per Capita

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