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‘Consortia’: New ways of working Nick Gibson Chair ConsortiCo 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Consortia’: New ways of working Nick Gibson Chair ConsortiCo 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Consortia’: New ways of working Nick Gibson Chair ConsortiCo 2012

2 Progressing into Partnership Context:- policy drivers underpinning ConsortiCo Consortia models:- advantages and disadvantages. How we built a consortium:- life cycle of ConsortiCo

3 Policy Drivers Public Service Delivery – EU Reviewed Working Services Directive in 2002 – 2006 (1st Jan) Public Contracts Regulations “ to open up purchasing so that there is a single market across the EU and to increase competitiveness for contracts funded by public money” “value for money enforced through competition”

4 Policy Drivers The Gershon Review (July 2004):- ‘Releasing Resources to the Frontline’ “Review of public sector efficiencies including Procurement” “Emphasised the need for Collaborative Procurement”

5 Policy Drivers Third Sector Review (Dec 2007): The Future Role of the Third Sector in Economic and Social Regeneration: HMT & OTS Priorities for 2008-11 “work on looking in detail at sub- contracting arrangements and models for consortia, and the implications of regional and sub regional commissioning on third sector organisations”

6 Why consort? Collaborative purchasing leads to consortia procurement Shift from grants to contracts Risk is being transferred 25% of turnover, guidance

7 Consortia Models

8 Lead Contractor

9 Formal Consortium

10 Building a Consortium Are your Board and Management team aware of the future direction of Public Sector contracting in your area/region? Are you incorporated? Governing Docs: Powers to trade, work in partnership and area of op.

11 Building a Consortium Find compatible partners and then: Explore shared vision, mission, aims, Memorandum of Understanding:- Legal Form Find some money Develop a joint business plan inc budget Membership Prospectus Appointment of staff Tender Proposals

12 ConsortiCo Formal Consortia Operating Structure Agreement:- June 2009 Incorporation Date:- May 2010 Membership Prospectus issued:- July 2010 Membership at start:- 8 Membership now:- over 50 Charities Future Options Report:- February 2012

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