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An Integrated Approach to Using I- annotate for Academic Writing Feedback on ESAP Courses Nancy Carter and Alex Golding.

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Presentation on theme: "An Integrated Approach to Using I- annotate for Academic Writing Feedback on ESAP Courses Nancy Carter and Alex Golding."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Integrated Approach to Using I- annotate for Academic Writing Feedback on ESAP Courses Nancy Carter and Alex Golding

2 Outline 1) Global processing and an integrated approach 2) I-annotate and a practical demonstration 3) Our research findings

3 Global = top-down & Local = bottom-up

4 Fodor (1983) ‘Input’ and ‘central’ systems Sensory organs  perceptual modules  central systems of rational thought Informationally encapsulated ‘The operations of the input systems are in certain respects unaffected by such feedback’ (Fodor, 1983, p. 66).

5 Psycholinguistics- Kutas (2006) Reciprocal connections One square millimetre… Bottom-up  14,000 feedforward neurons Top-down  11,000 feedback neurons

6 Coulson (2006) Language and vision Feedback neurons (or top-down connections) shape meaning A colour cell changes shape due to background information

7 Spinelli (2005)

8 Coulson (2006) Event- Related Potentials (ERP) N400- semantic ambiguity

9 Coulson (2006) Dutch trains are _______ sour/ white and expensive Sour = semantic violation (local) White = world knowledge violation (global)

10 Integrated Approach to Feedback Top-down Clarity Structure of paragraphs Flow of ideas Cohesion of ideas Organisation of whole assignment Bottom-up Word choice Word form Spelling Tense Subject verb agreement Missing word Word order Academic style Referencing

11 Practical Demonstration and Information

12 Essay Feedback Questionnaire 1) Was the feedback what you expected? yes no 2) Which did you find most useful? colour coding text comments audio comments 3) Amount of feedback: too much too little 4) Clarity of feedback: too vague or ambiguous clear 5) Was the feedback helpful for: (you can highlight more than one answer) overall organisation of your assignment clarity of ideas linking of ideas specific language mistakes

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