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University of Notre Dame Department of Risk Management and Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Notre Dame Department of Risk Management and Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Notre Dame Department of Risk Management and Safety

2 Machine Produced Radiation Safety Training University of Notre Dame Risk Management and Safety

3 Radiation Safety Overview –Ionizing Radiation Sources Effects Dosage –Risks of Exposure –Minimizing Risk –Safety in Radiation Producing Machine Use

4 Ionizing Radiation Radiation –Energy in the form of a Particle or Electromagnetic Wave –Emitted from atoms or via effects applied to charged particles Ionizing Radiation –Radiation with sufficient Energy to eject an electron from an atom

5 Ionizing Radiation - Sources Sources –Extraterrestrial Cosmic Radiation Solar Radiation –Terrestrial Atomic Decay Radiation Producing Machines Particle Accelerators Nuclear Reactors –Internal Atomic Decay Types of Ionizing Radiation – Alpha particles Radioactive decay He nucleus – Beta particles Radioactive decay / particle accelerators “free” electron – Neutrons Radioactive decay / nuclear reactors Particle – X-rays/Gamma Rays Radioactive decay Radiation Producing Machines Electromagnetic Wave

6 Ionizing Radiation Radiation –Energy in the form of a Particle or Electromagnetic Wave –Emitted from atoms or via effects applied to charged particles Ionizing Radiation –Radiation with sufficient Energy to eject an electron from an atom

7 Radiation Safety Overview –Ionizing Radiation Sources Effects Dosage –Risks of Exposure –Minimizing Risk –Safety in Radiation Producing Machine Use

8 Ionizing Radiation - Effects X-ray Radiation –Primary radiation source for diffraction experiments –Penetrates matter –Dose depends on several factors “Hardness” of X-rays Exposure time Distance Effects of Ionizing Radiation – Energy from radiation can eject an electron Radical formation Radicals react strongly with other molecules – Scission of atomic bonds Fragmentation of molecules

9 Ionizing Radiation - Effects Effects: –Most of the damage is rapidly repaired –If repair is faulty, burns (erythema) and mutations can occur –Erythema most common side-effect –Mutations include: Alteration of local DNA Cancer –Cell Death Exposure – Units are measured in Röntgen (Roentgen) (R) – 1 Röntgen is 2.58 x 10 -4 Coulomb (C) of charge yielded by energy given to 1 kg of air. – Usually measured in milliRöntgen (mR) – Doses measured in mR/h

10 Ionizing Radiation - Dosage Radiation Absorbed Dose (RAD) –Quantifies amount of energy released to matter from any radiation source –1 RAD = 100 erg/g of matter –Measured in Gray (Gy) –1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 100 RAD Radiation Equivalent Man (REM) – Quantifies biological impact of a radiation dose – rem = RAD x weighting factor – Weighting factor accounts for radiation type X-rays = 1 Alpha particle = 20 – Measured in Sieverts (Sv) 100 mrem = 1 Sv

11 Ionizing Radiation - Dosage Radiation Limits –Set by the World Health Organization (WHO) via Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) –500 mrem/yr –Exposure is chronic Sources Contributing to Count – Background ~300 mrem/yr Radon Ingested Food Terrestrial Cosmic Radiation – Indirect Medical X-rays ~50 mrem/yr – Direct Medical X-rays

12 Ionizing Radiation There is thought to be no lower limit to potential detrimental effects occurring from an exposure Small increase in birth defects and cancers due to acute exposure. Cancer risk increase is 0.04% per rem of exposure

13 Radiation Notices Radiation Producing Machines are required to display a notification when energized Clear notification of an open port/open shutter must be apparent (visual notification)

14 Exposure Prevention Length of time –“Fleeting” exposure? –Prolonged exposure? Long period of time allows more radiation to be absorbed, higher risk of deleterious effects Minimize amount of time near a potential radiation source Shielding – Appropriate for Radiation? – Appropriate for Instrument? Distance – Radiation “suffers” from a 1/r 2 decay from source – Radiation is absorbed by matter; air is matter – Energy dependant Cu radiation more absorbed in air than Mo radiation

15 Ionizing Radiation - Effects X-ray Radiation –Primary radiation source for diffraction experiments –Penetrates matter –Dose depends on several factors “Hardness” of X-rays Exposure time Distance Effects of Ionizing Radiation – Energy from radiation can eject an electron Radical formation Radicals react strongly with other molecules – Scission of atomic bonds Fragmentation of molecules

16 Ionizing Radiation - Effects Effects: –Most of the damage is rapidly repaired –If repair is faulty, burns (erythema) and mutations can occur –Erythema most common side-effect –Mutations include: Alteration of local DNA Cancer –Cell Death Exposure – Units are measured in Röntgen (Roentgen) (R) – 1 Röntgen is 2.58 x 10 -4 Coulomb (C) of charge yielded by energy given to 1 kg of air. – Usually measured in milliRöntgen (mR) – Doses measured in mR/h

17 Ionizing Radiation - Dosage Radiation Absorbed Dose (RAD) –Quantifies amount of energy released to matter from any radiation source –1 RAD = 100 erg/g of matter –Measured in Gray (Gy) –1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 100 RAD Radiation Equivalent Man (REM) – Quantifies biological impact of a radiation dose – rem = RAD x weighting factor – Weighting factor accounts for radiation type X-rays = 1 Alpha particle = 20 – Measured in Sieverts (Sv) 100 mrem = 1 Sv

18 Ionizing Radiation - Dosage Radiation Limits –Set by the World Health Organization (WHO) via Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) –500 mrem/yr –Exposure is chronic Sources Contributing to Count – Background ~300 mrem/yr Radon Ingested Food Terrestrial Cosmic Radiation – Indirect Medical X-rays ~50 mrem/yr – Direct Medical X-rays

19 Ionizing Radiation There is thought to be no lower limit to potential detrimental effects occurring from an exposure Small increase in birth defects and cancers due to acute exposure. Cancer risk increase is 0.04% per rem of exposure

20 Ionizing Radiation - Effects Effects: –Most of the damage is rapidly repaired –If repair is faulty, burns (erythema) and mutations can occur –Erythema most common side-effect –Mutations include: Alteration of local DNA Cancer –Cell Death Exposure – Units are measured in Röntgen (Roentgen) (R) – 1 Röntgen is 2.58 x 10 -4 Coulomb (C) of charge yielded by energy given to 1 kg of air. – Usually measured in milliRöntgen (mR) – Doses measured in mR/h

21 Ionizing Radiation - Dosage Radiation Absorbed Dose (RAD) –Quantifies amount of energy released to matter from any radiation source –1 RAD = 100 erg/g of matter –Measured in Gray (Gy) –1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 100 RAD Radiation Equivalent Man (REM) – Quantifies biological impact of a radiation dose – rem = RAD x weighting factor – Weighting factor accounts for radiation type X-rays = 1 Alpha particle = 20 – Measured in Sieverts (Sv) 100 mrem = 1 Sv

22 Ionizing Radiation - Dosage Radiation Limits –Set by the World Health Organization (WHO) via Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) –500 mrem/yr –Exposure is chronic Sources Contributing to Count – Background ~300 mrem/yr Radon Ingested Food Terrestrial Cosmic Radiation – Indirect Medical X-rays ~50 mrem/yr – Direct Medical X-rays

23 Ionizing Radiation There is thought to be no lower limit to potential detrimental effects occurring from an exposure Small increase in birth defects and cancers due to acute exposure. Cancer risk increase is 0.04% per rem of exposure

24 Ionizing Radiation - Dosage Radiation Limits –Set by the World Health Organization (WHO) via Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) –500 mrem/yr –Exposure is chronic Sources Contributing to Count – Background ~300 mrem/yr Radon Ingested Food Terrestrial Cosmic Radiation – Indirect Medical X-rays ~50 mrem/yr – Direct Medical X-rays

25 Ionizing Radiation There is thought to be no lower limit to potential detrimental effects occurring from an exposure Small increase in birth defects and cancers due to acute exposure. Cancer risk increase is 0.04% per rem of exposure

26 Radiation Notices International Standards for Radiological Work Magenta-on-Yellow or Black-on-Yellow Trefoil Notices must be apparent and external to the work area

27 Radiation Notices Radiation Producing Machines are required to display a notification when energized Clear notification of an open port/open shutter must be apparent (visual notification)

28 Exposure Risks Radiation Producing Machines (RPM) –RPM X-rays are “soft” Nearly all of energy is deposited in matter Primary Beam –Acute exposure –High dose (100’s – 1000’s of R/min) –Less likely due to beam-stop Secondary Scatter – Lower count rate (~0.2 mR/h) – More likely since is scattered radiation from sample – Extremity rather than whole body – Easily detected with a radiation counter

29 Exposure Prevention Length of time –“Fleeting” exposure? –Prolonged exposure? Long period of time allows more radiation to be absorbed, higher risk of deleterious effects Minimize amount of time near a potential radiation source Shielding – Appropriate for Radiation? – Appropriate for Instrument? Distance – Radiation “suffers” from a 1/r 2 decay from source – Radiation is absorbed by matter; air is matter – Energy dependant Cu radiation more absorbed in air than Mo radiation

30 Exposure Prevention Distance Decay I 2 = I 1. (x 1 /x 2 ) 2 –I 2 = Dose at x 2 –I 1 = Dose at x 1 –x 1 = Distance 1 –x 2 = Distance 2 Sample is measured at 25 mR/h at 0.1 m from source, what is the dose at 0.3 m from the source 25 mR/h x (0.1/0.5) 2 25 mR/h x 0.04 = 1mR/h Nota Bene: On Radiation Producing Machines the counter should read no more than 0.2 mR/h at 5 cm from the sample (back scatter)

31 Exposure Prevention Shielding –Primary prevention/protection –Appropriate Shielding is required Radiation sources and appropriate shielding –Alpha particle: Paper –Beta particle: Plastic/thin metal – X-rays: metal sheeting/leaded glass – Gamma Rays: lead-lined metal sheeting – Neutrons: Concrete Do NOT remove radiation shielding – Contact a supervisor or Radiation Safety Officer if you need to do so Do NOT override safety interlocks

32 Pregnancy – A Right to Declare A pregnant co-worker has the right to declare the pregnancy Declaration must be in writing, dated and signed If a pregnancy is declared, the dose limit to the foetus is 500 mrem over the entire pregnancy (<45 mrem/month) The declaration may be revoked If a pregnancy is not declared, no special safety considerations are implemented

33 Safety Guidelines First and foremost: Safety is Common Sense All of the commentary leads to: ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable Consider what you are doing Consider what the risks are Minimize those risks Be Mindful

34 Safety Guidelines First and foremost: Safety is Common Sense All of the commentary leads to: ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable Consider what you are doing Consider what the risks are Minimize those risks Be Mindful

35 Pregnancy – A Right to Declare A pregnant co-worker has the right to declare the pregnancy Declaration must be in writing, dated and signed If a pregnancy is declared, the dose limit to the foetus is 500 mrem over the entire pregnancy (<45 mrem/month) The declaration may be revoked If a pregnancy is not declared, no special safety considerations are implemented

36 Safety Guidelines The campus Radiation Safety Manual is available in the Laboratory At any time you may utilize the Geiger counter if you are unsure about the radiation safety of an instrument If you have a concern you may: contact a supervisor, the Radiation Safety Specialist (Notre Dame: Andy Welding, RM&S, ext. 1-5037), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, 1-800-695-7403)(radioactive materials), or the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH, 1-317233-7564)(machines.) Please contact a supervisor first if possible. If there is an accident call 911 or 1-5555 from a campus phone

37 General Laboratory Safety The X-ray Facility is considered a Laboratory Please exercise the same precautions you would in any Laboratory: –Long pants/dress (below knee length) –Close-toed shoes –No Food in the Facility –No Drink in the Facility –Be mindful of your actions

38 Machine Produced Radiation Safety Training University of Notre Dame Risk Management and Safety

39 Radiation Safety Overview –Ionizing Radiation Sources Effects Dosage –Risks of Exposure –Minimizing Risk –Safety in Radiation Producing Machine Use

40 Ionizing Radiation Radiation –Energy in the form of a Particle or Electromagnetic Wave –Emitted from atoms or via effects applied to charged particles Ionizing Radiation –Radiation with sufficient Energy to eject an electron from an atom

41 Ionizing Radiation - Sources Sources –Extraterrestrial Cosmic Radiation Solar Radiation –Terrestrial Atomic Decay Radiation Producing Machines Particle Accelerators Nuclear Reactors –Internal Atomic Decay Types of Ionizing Radiation – Alpha particles Radioactive decay He nucleus – Beta particles Radioactive decay / particle accelerators “free” electron – Neutrons Radioactive decay / nuclear reactors Particle – X-rays/Gamma Rays Radioactive decay Radiation Producing Machines Electromagnetic Wave

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