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Design Domain Elements Of Curves Radius & Superelevation

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Presentation on theme: "Design Domain Elements Of Curves Radius & Superelevation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Domain Elements Of Curves Radius & Superelevation
Submitted To: Prof. R.R Kalaga Submitted By: Leeza Malik

2 Design Domain Concept

3 Curve Radius Radius is one of the most significant factor in design of curves Model shows that A = (0.96 L /R – 0.012S) 0.978(3.3 x W - 30) where A = crashes/million vehicles entering from both directions L = curve length (km) R = curve radius (km) S = 1, if transition curves have been provided = 0, otherwise W = roadway width (lanes plus shoulders) (m). Crash frequency increases as the curve radius decreases.

4 Design Domain Element of Curve Radius
The upper bound is the tangent in the sense that it has a radius of infinite length. The lower bound is minimum radius for the selected design speed. Function of the centripetal force necessary to sustain travel along a circular path. The force is developed part by friction and part by superelevation. e + f = V2/127 R Select the maximum rate of superelevation, e maximum, in order to determine the minimum allowable radius of horizontal curvature for that speed.

5 Contd…… Higher values of emax : Rural areas
Lower values of emax : urban environment. Because of congestion and the application of traffic control devices and consequently lesser speeds make it difficult for the driver to negotiate higher superelevation.

6 Distribution of e &f Method 1: Both superelevation and side friction are directly proportional to the inverse of the radius. Method 2: Side friction is first applied to sustain lateral acceleration down to radii requiring fmax followed by increasing e with reducing radius until e reaches emax. In short, first f and then e are increased in inverse proportion to the radius of curvature Method 3: The reverse of Method 2 with first e and then f increased in inverse proportion to the radius of curvature. Method 4: As for Method 3, except that design speed is replaced by average running speed. Method 5: Superelevation and side friction are in curvilinear relations with the inverse of the radius of curvature, with values between those of Methods 1 and 3. Method 2 has merit in the urban environment. Method 5 is recommended for adoption in the case of rural and high-speed urban roads.

7 References Geometric Design Guidelines, NRA ,South Africa.

8 Thank You

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